Just to let you know that baby James was born 7 May at 0823hrs at Salisbury Hospital at 39.5wks and weighed 9lbs. I was in early labour with a back to back baby for 5 days before and I swear giving birth was easier than putting up with the back pain contractions beforehand! The hypnobirthing definitely helped my breathing on the day and baby naturally turned when I got into positions. I was lucky enough to get a pool and just needed a bit of gas and air on the day. My baby’s heart rate was throughout the birth and remains so calm and I think it’s because I had no fear about giving birth, I knew anatomically what was happening and I knew I needed to stay focused and calm. It paid off as I only needed a few superficial stitches and I’ve been out and about with the pram already so healing well.
Just wanted to thank you again for the course - I tell everyone I meet about you and the benefits of hypnobirthing.