<![CDATA[Testimonials]]> https://www.easibirthing.com/category/testimonials en Sun, 23 Feb 2025 05:28:32 +0000 Dawn, 2nd baby https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/congratulations-to-dawn-on-the-birth-of-her-baby-boy-heath-at-salisbury-hospital-on-5th-april-at-sal https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/congratulations-to-dawn-on-the-birth-of-her-baby-boy-heath-at-salisbury-hospital-on-5th-april-at-sal <p>Thanks to your help I managed to stay calm and focused. I felt in control and the midwives did everything they could to heal the wounds of my last birth. It was a smooth and healing experience.</p> Wed, 15 Apr 2015 00:00:00 +0000 Jacqueline, Hypno-psychotherapist https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jacqueline-hypno-psychotherapist https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jacqueline-hypno-psychotherapist <p>Sharon's training is fantastic. Easy to relate to you but choc-full of information, facts, research. I trained with Sharon in Hypnosis for Fertility, Hypnobirthing, Post Natal support and Tokophobia - I think that speaks for itself!</p> Thu, 29 Jul 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Alice, former client & now hypnotherapist https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/alice-former-client-now-hypnotherapist https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/alice-former-client-now-hypnotherapist <p>I also just wanted to say thank you so much you are such an inspiration to me, I actually attended your course as an expectant mum, after having an amazing experience it inspired me to get qualified and try to help others in the way you helped me. And just over 4 years later here I am a fully qualified hypnotherapist and studying counselling. You have genuinely changed my life in so many ways thank you!</p> Thu, 29 Jul 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Louise, 2nd baby https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/louise-2nd-baby https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/louise-2nd-baby <p>I had some real concerns due to my first labour being a forceps delivery, but you enabled me to go ahead and find my inner strength, whilst keeping cool, calm and collected! &nbsp;The power of hypno-birthing is truly amazing, thank you!</p> Fri, 06 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Margo, 1st baby https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/margo-1st-baby https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/margo-1st-baby <p>Yep, totally positive. I was so scared until we had your sessions and you totally changed my outlook and attitude as a result, all went smoothly and we actually enjoyed it!</p> Mon, 09 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Shelley, 1st baby https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/shelley-1st-baby https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/shelley-1st-baby <p>Amazing-nothing could have prepared me for such a beautiful experience &amp; to have the opportunity to deliver and meet Amelia without any sense of fear of the process was incredible-thank you so much.</p> Mon, 09 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kirsty, 2nd baby https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kirsty-2nd-baby https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kirsty-2nd-baby <p>It was just brilliant. Everything I&rsquo;d hoped for. It truly was a lovely journey that he and I made together. The bonding has been so much better and I&rsquo;m loving it all. Absolutely brilliant. It was my perfect birth experience for me and my baby-thank you.</p> Mon, 09 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kitty and Will, 1st babies https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kitty-and-will-1st-babies https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kitty-and-will-1st-babies <p>Thank you for all your help, the c-section went very smoothly and i managed to stay calm throughout.</p> Mon, 09 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Laura and Tim, 1st baby https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/laura-and-tim-1st-baby https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/laura-and-tim-1st-baby <p>It was magical. We&nbsp;felt in control and very calm throughout. We were focused on meeting our baby and were able to concentrate on supporting each other.</p> Mon, 09 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Hannah, Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/hannah-hypnotherapist-psychotherapist https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/hannah-hypnotherapist-psychotherapist <p>I have now completed two courses online with Sharon Mustard Easibirthing, including Hypnosis for Fertility and Hypnobirthing for practitioners. I enjoyed both courses immensely.</p> <p>Sharon is knowledgeable and informative with a relaxed communication style, which made the courses engaging even though online. It is evident a lot of work has gone into the online courses with great video content, hypnosis scripts and a practitioners handbook, which I had printed and bound. Outside of the course, I find Sharon is very responsive whenever I have had any questions, she is always happy to offer extra support.</p> <p>Thank you again for sharing your wisdom, I am proud to be part of the Easibirthing community.</p> Mon, 09 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Miyuki, Pregnancy, hypnobirthing & post natal client https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/miyuki-1st-baby https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/miyuki-1st-baby <p>Hypnotherapy provides life-time skills for controlling your body and mind in any stressful situation. I am now prepared to face the challenge of being a mum!</p> Mon, 09 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Michelle's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/michelles-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/michelles-hospital-birth-story <p>My husband Chris and I felt like we had to contact you after the birth of our son. To be totally honest we were both sceptical about the hynobirthing but after the experience we had with our first child we thought we&rsquo;d give it a try as we had nothing to lose.</p> <p>Firstly this time he turned using the cd&rsquo;s, then Joseph was born healthy and naturally with no pain relief last week in a shorter labour than I had with our eldest.</p> <p>The experience was completley different and I amazed myself with what I was able to cope with, even with a long second stage &lsquo;pushing&rsquo; (as he had his head in the wrong position). I didn&rsquo;t panic and baby stayed calm throughout. He is now a calm, amenable baby that is different to how my eldest was.</p> <p>We just wanted to say a massive thankyou for what you taught us, as we are so pleased with how well it worked we wanted to show our support and appreciation of hypnobirthing by giving you feedback on our experience.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Mariane's Elective Caesarean Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/marianes-elective-caesarean-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/marianes-elective-caesarean-birth-story <p>Sharon,</p> <p>Thank you very much-we can only say a HUGE &lsquo;thank you&rsquo; for your help and support &ndash; the birth of our 7.11 pound baby boy, Llewelyn, was a wonderfully happy experience in which we both found ourselves amazingly calm, aware and very connected to each other and our little boy. The experience was further enhanced (rather surprisingly!) by Tina Turner belting out Nut Bush City Limits on the theatre radio the moment we heard his voice for the first time!</p> <p>Baby is very healthy and a perfectly well behaved, John is on a high and my health is so good the midwife commented on it in my hospital paperwork when I did not feel the need for pain killers on day 2. My blood loss during surgery was also noted to be on par to that of women giving birth naturally. A testament to Mr Fountain&rsquo;s excellent skill too.</p> <p>Overall a very positive experience and one all of us will cherish forever. Thank you again for the huge part you had to play in making it possible. I will certainly pass it on to other women with similar concerns over natural birth and that there are equally safe and viable alternatives available.</p> <p>Best wishes to you.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kerry and Pepe's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kerry-and-pepes-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kerry-and-pepes-birth-quote <p>I never felt so powerful. I felt like I could conquer the world! I was loving it all!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kitty and Will's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kitty-and-wills-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kitty-and-wills-birth-quote <p>Thank you for all your help, the c-section went very smoothly and I managed to stay calm throughout.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Richard and Roxy's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/richard-and-roxys-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/richard-and-roxys-birth-quote <p>Hospital has labour listed as spontaneous 59min labour.</p> <p>The funny coincidence is that he was born at 23:59pm and each night Roxy had been listening to the Hypno CDs in the bath at around midnight :)</p> <p>Thank you for everything the course really helped us embrace and look forward to a natural birth.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Naomi's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/naomis-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/naomis-birth-quote <p>Very positive, empowering, happy, exciting, emotional, bonding. An extremely positive memory.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Shelley's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/shelleys-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/shelleys-birth-quote <p>Amazing-nothing could have prepared me for such a beautiful experience &amp; to have the opportunity to deliver and meet Amelia without any sense of fear of the process was incredible-thank you so much.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Miyuki's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/miyukis-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/miyukis-birth-quote <p>Hypnotherapy provides life-time skills for controlling your body and mind in any stressful situation. I am now prepared to face the challenge of being a mum!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Julie's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/julies-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/julies-birth-quote <p>The hypnobirth course helped me tremendously as I remained extremely calm &amp; focused throughout the labour &amp; delivery.</p> <p>I found the whole birthing experience amazing &amp; found that positive thinking throughout the labour helped me towards this.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Joanne's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/joannes-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/joannes-birth-quote <p>A wonderful birth. Waterbirth with only 1g paracetamol and baby was born after 4 hours of arriving at the labour ward. Having a good birth made me stronger post birth and just able to get on with motherhood.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kelly's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kellys-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kellys-birth-quote <p>This was my fourth baby and the best/easiest labour and birth experience by far.&nbsp; I'm very happy with how it went.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Emma's Birth Quotes https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emmas-birth-quotes https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emmas-birth-quotes <p>I was really lucky with&nbsp;my labour experience - drug free and natural delivery.&nbsp; The breathing played a big part so thank you.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Caroline's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/carolines-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/carolines-birth-quote <p>My body pushed her down on it's own within the next 2 hours and then it took me 10 minutes to deliver her - the 'pushing experience' was as perfect as it could be - I have very pleasant and positive memories of it.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Claire's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/claires-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/claires-birth-quote <p>My son Bobby, is 4 in April and I will always remember his birth as wonderful, your course was the best thing I ever did Sharon!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Julia's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/julias-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/julias-birth-quote <p>I gave birth all by myself without help, which genuinely feels like an absolutely massive achievement.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Luci's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lucis-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lucis-birth-quote <p>Amazing! My midwife&rsquo;s comment was "textbook home birth".</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Briana's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/brianas-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/brianas-birth-quote <p>Natural, baby led with me remaining focused &amp; controlling my anxiety levels.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Claire's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/claires-birth-quote-hospital https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/claires-birth-quote-hospital <p>Perfect. Everything we wanted it to be. Felt relaxed throughout. An amazing experience.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Joandi's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/joandis-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/joandis-birth-quote <p>Wonderful, amazing-a testimony to hypno &amp; faith!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Claire's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/claires-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-28 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/claires-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-28 <p>Long, enjoyable, amazing, calm and trauma-free! But hard work.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kelly's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kellys-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-28 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kellys-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-28 <p>An absolute essential-as necessary as a birth plan. I couldn&rsquo;t birth without this course in my armoury.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Ulrike's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/ulrikes-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/ulrikes-birth-quote <p>Something powerful, fills me with pride, breathtaking.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Lucy's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lucys-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lucys-birth-quote <p>I feel very lucky to have had the sort of birth people dream about.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Debbie's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/debbies-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/debbies-birth-quote <p>Amazing, exhilarating experience. I have never felt so proud of myself!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Shirley's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/shirleys-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/shirleys-birth-quote <p>Miraculous!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Rosie's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/rosies-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/rosies-birth-quote <p>More than I could have hoped for. After a difficult labour with 1<sup>st</sup> baby-very proud of myself!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Zam's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/zams-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/zams-birth-quote <p>A wonderful experience: calm, in control and a beautiful time to cherish for both Ben and I.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Rona's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/ronas-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/ronas-birth-quote <p>Positive, quick, empowering.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Amanda's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/amandas-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/amandas-birth-quote <p>I knew exactly what to expect and was able to imagine what was happening. Felt calm during labour and know I can do it again.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kelly's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kellys-wonderful-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kellys-wonderful-birth-quote <p>A wonderful experience that made me feel very proud. It was easy, stress free and very calm.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Sarah's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarahs-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarahs-birth-quote <p>Very moving, amazing bringing our baby into the world. Strengthened mine and my husband&rsquo;s relationship, we were a fantastic team.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Claire's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/claire-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/claire-birth-quote <p>Fantastic-would love to do it again.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Celine's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/celines-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/celines-birth-quote <p>Excellent! Quick &amp; not without drama as baby got stuck (shoulders) but never frightened or worried.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Hannah's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/hannahs-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/hannahs-birth-quote <p>Exactly as I wanted it. Calm, safe, controlled.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Nicky's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/nickys-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/nickys-birth-quote <p>It was so quick and easy they didn&rsquo;t even have time to give me an ID tag!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kirsty's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kirstys-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kirstys-birth-quote <p>It was just brilliant. Everything I&rsquo;d hoped for, thank you. It truly was a lovely journey that he and I made together. The bonding has been so much better and I&rsquo;m loving it all.</p> <p>Absolutely brilliant. It was my perfect birth experience for me and my baby-thank you.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Fiona's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/fionas-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/fionas-birth-quote <p>A wonderful marathon, with a perfect prize at the end!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Rebecca's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/rebeccas-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/rebeccas-birth-quote <p>Absolutely fantastic. I would do it again tomorrow. Thank you so much Sharon.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Megan's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/megans-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/megans-birth-quote <p>My experience was beautiful! This was also echoed by the midwife &amp; my mum &amp; stepfather who were also present.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Margo's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/margos-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/margos-birth-quote <p>Yep, totally positive&hellip;I was so scared until we had your sessions and you totally changed my outlook and attitude as a result, all went smoothly and we actually enjoyed it!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kate's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kates-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kates-birth-quote <p>It was very positive. It was slow but relaxed. My body knew what to do and I managed to relax enough to let it happen.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Helen's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/helens-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/helens-birth-quote <p>Fantastic/amazing/awe inspiring/quick/painful but calm &amp; in control.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Lisa's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lisas-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lisas-birth-quote <p>Having had a caesarean with my 1<sup>st</sup> child-this was very different &amp; much more exhilarating &amp; emotional when baby came out!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Claire's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/claires-birth-quote-salisbury-hospital https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/claires-birth-quote-salisbury-hospital <p>Fantastic, amazing. The most brilliant experience of my entire life.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Juliet's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/juliets-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/juliets-birth-quote <p>An amazing experience, really enjoyed second stage, surges of energy, rights of passage, great to feel baby progressing down birth canal.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Sarah's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarah-birth-quote-hospital https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarah-birth-quote-hospital <p>Hard work, but amazing. Would do it again and again.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Sandra's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sandras-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sandras-birth-quote <p>It was wonderful. I used the techniques throughout, Matthew was born in the birthing pool &amp; it was an amazing experience.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Heather's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/heathers-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/heathers-birth-quote <p>Wonderful (as I had imagined and hoped), very positive.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Rebecca's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/rebeccas-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/rebeccas-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p>A definite step in the right direction-need more doctors/midwives to go thro&rsquo; it so they can actively support you.</p> <p>Used worship music to focus on, along with your breathing technique. So different from 1<sup>st</sup> time around.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Nicola's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/nicolas-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/nicolas-birth-quote <p>Infinitely better than expected considering most of my birth plan wasn&rsquo;t possible. The midwives &amp; doctors did not believe I was in active labour during the first stage as I was so calm. It was only when I was 8-9cm dilated that they were convinced. They said they had never seen anyone so calm and quiet.</p> <p>Thank you again for a fantastic course</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Karen's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/karens-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/karens-birth-quote <p>Very empowering. I came away from both sessions feeling very positive.</p> <p>Calm, quiet and fairly swift. It was the birth experience I wanted. I stayed at home until 2hrs before he was born-Birth pool-No intervention.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Jayne's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jaynes-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jaynes-birth-quote <p>Although the birth did not go as planned the techniques helped me in the labour process and with coming to terms with the situation as it developed.</p> <p>Initially very calm and controlled, on the discovery of breech presentation I was very upset initially but feel the classes helped me accept that all situations that arise should be positively looked at and I am very happy that my baby is here well and safe.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Cindy's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/cindys-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/cindys-birth-quote <p>An extraordinary, natural, humbling experience. Something I am very proud of and can&rsquo;t wait to tell my daughter about!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Claire's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/claires-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/claires-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p>Powerful but positive.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Zam's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/zams-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/zams-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p>Unique and wonderful.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Karen's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/karens-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/karens-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p>I was in control &amp; not anxious-both baby &amp; I had a much easier experience as a result.</p> <p>Other mums need to feel empowered like this!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Katie's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/katies-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/katies-birth-quote <p>I was barely monitored as I was sent for a walk, which suited as I was feeling very nauseous, and when I returned I was having 1 minute contractions with 1 minute breaks and retrospectively was clearly in transition.</p> <p>(Had) Nothing at all not even Gas and Air. After I returned from the walk, I had only half an hour before I suddenly felt my waters go and a head appear, at which time it was time to quickly enter the birthing pool where two pushes later, Benjamin appeared.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Robina's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/robinas-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/robinas-birth-quote <p>It was fantastic. One of the most positive experiences of my life. I have absolutely no doubt about the contribution that hypnosis made to making it such a wonderful event.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Lisa's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lisas-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lisas-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p>Controlled, calm, pleasurable &amp; very satisfying.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kelly's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kellys-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kellys-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p>Far easier than I ever imagined. Painful but manageable. Rewarding, amazing, wonderful.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kate's Home Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kateas-home-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kateas-home-birth-story <p>I have been meaning to e mail you for a few weeks to announce the safe arrival of Ella Zinnia Rose on the 10th January. How time flies. And also mainly to say thank you for your brilliant tuition. I ended up having Ella at home because I didn&rsquo;t think I was in fully established labour as my contractions didn&rsquo;t feel strong enough or last for very long. All thanks to the techniques you taught! I envisaged each contraction as a ball shrinking, and of course did the steady breathing.</p> <p>I also repeated the words calm and in control to myself. (I had tried to do positive thinking and say positive attributions in my mind all the way through my pregnancy). Anyway the above obviously worked well, although I felt quite anxious and didn&rsquo;t think I was coping!</p> <p>It wasn&rsquo;t until I started to want to push that I thought maybe things were happening. Indeed they were as I was 9 and a half cm dilated when my midwife came to examine me. She advised a home birth as my waters were close to breaking and would bring baby with them. Being relaxed and completely trusting my midwife I felt fine with this. Phil was great and rushed around getting sheets and tarpaulin. My Mum came to take Jake (my 4 yr old). He was brilliant and even popped in to say bye, unaware of any drama. Ella was born about an hour after the midwife arrived weighing in at 8ILbs and 7oz.</p> <p>So thanks to all your coaching,brilliant approach to labour and taking the anxiety out of it I had a really wonderful, special and relaxed experience. So relaxed in fact, that Phil and the 2 midwives sat having tea and toast as we waited for the placenta, while talking about traffic in Salisbury.(I had switched off and was busy marvelling at Ella!</p> <p>I should point out that my labour lasted about 5 and half hours but it was my lack of awareness about the strength of the contractions that meant I left it to the last minute to inform the midwife! When I attended the course, in one birth story you told the mother had mentioned she had only felt discomfort and strong sensations. I didn&rsquo;t think I would be able to achieve that but I have to say I felt nothing more than discomfort. Strong at times and I felt a bit agitated but when I started to want to push I relaxed again as I knew baby was coming and it wouldn&rsquo;t be long.</p> <p>Although things intensified in the last stages, I would describe contractions as very strong sensations but no real pain. Amazing! My hope was not to give in like I did lst time and have pethidine and do it on just the gas and air. In fact I had more gas and air for the stitches than I did during the labour. So thank you again for enabling me to have this wonderful experience. I feel very lucky.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Miyuki's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/miyukias-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/miyukias-hospital-birth-story <p>I was hoping to inform you this earlier, but it&rsquo;s been a busy but very exciting weeks!</p> <p>Michael and I are proud parents of a beautiful girl, Alice Erika Griffin. Alice arrived at 6.49 pm on 14th February (Valentine&rsquo;s Day!), weighing 7 lb 15 oz (3,620 g), after 16 hours of labour. She has loads of Japanese black hair!</p> <p>We managed with &lsquo;gas and air&rsquo; and a birthing pool (although I had to come out just before the 2<sup>nd</sup>&nbsp;stage due to the water supplied to the pool was not so clean). &nbsp;I tried to follow the breathing technique learned from you (at least during the 1<sup>st</sup>&nbsp;stage labour) and it was amazing how much I was able to control and stay calm during the contractions.</p> <p>During the 2<sup>nd</sup>&nbsp;stage labour, I could not quite control myself, but just went along with the body&rsquo;s natural urge of pushing and meeting my baby. It was such a joy to pick up my baby by my arms and hold her on my chest at the end.</p> <p>I am very pleased that I attended your sessions &ndash; hypnotherapy provides life-time skills for controlling your body and mind in any stressful situation. I am now prepared to face the challenge of being a mum!</p> <p>Many thanks again xx</p> <p>Miyuki</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Beth's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/bethas-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/bethas-hospital-birth-story <p>Mark and I just wanted to email to let you know that our daughter- Rowan Jay arrived on 07/07/12 (2 weeks early!) after a very quick delivery! I thought the story of the birth might be a positive one to tell your groups in the future as the circumstances were far, far from my birth plan!!</p> <p>I woke up on Saturday 7th thinking my waters had broken but it was blood from my placenta as it had started to come away from uterus wall so we rushed straight to hospital where I was examined and told although I was already 2cm dilated that they would need to break my waters and commence induction of labour using a syntocin drip.</p> <p>Mark and I were really upset as we&rsquo;d planned a completely natural birth- no interventions and hopefully using water as pain relief and instead I was going to be hooked up to a drip and monitor!! They managed to hook me up to a mobile monitor and drip with long lead so I could remain active and I began using physical techniques to help babies descent.</p> <p>As my contractions were slow and they were concerned about the bleeding (i was on a tight time frame before they took me into surgery for a c-section) they turned the drip up quite quickly and within a few hours I was having 5 contractions in 10 minutes, each lasting about 1.20 minutes so I went into established labour quite intensely. From this point I found I entered a zone and focussed on my breathing and visualisations to handle the intensity of the contractions. I didn&rsquo;t speak at all I just let my body take it&rsquo;s breath in and then focused on the out breath- breathing out that used up oxygen, it was almost as though I went &lsquo;into&rsquo; myself deeply- it was quite surreal looking back!</p> <p>With each contraction I just kept imagining a flower opening, each time it got bigger and bigger and i just kept repeating in my head &ldquo;you&rsquo;re body knows what it is doing&rdquo;, &ldquo;you&rsquo;ll never be sent more pain than you can handle&rdquo;, &ldquo;I am calm, confident and in control&rdquo;&hellip; I practised the techniques from the classes every day during the last few weeks before she was born and although I often drifted off when practising it&rsquo;s amazing how much came through to me when I needed it.</p> <p>After 3 hours 48 minutes, labour was over and I had our beautiful daughter on my chest, happily feeding! I believe wholeheartedly that without hypnobirthing in my armour it could have been a completely different story. I was so positive about childbirth following the sessions and my &lsquo;jar&rsquo; of negativity was full to the brim as I became so accustomed to putting any anxieties straight in there before they even had time to take hold!!</p> <p>Our daughter came into the world through the power of positivity and we have been blessed by a calm and contented baby, who feeds and sleeps well and I am sure this has been influenced by her calm delivery. Doctors and midwifes were incredibly complimentary to me after labour, making comments such as &lsquo;that was incredible&rsquo;, &lsquo;I have never seen anyone so focused and in the zone&rsquo; and all of them wholly surprised by the fact I had no pain relief when delivering on a syntocin drip- apparently unheard of!!!</p> <p>I could go on and on about the day she arrived as I feel very empowered by it, as does mark but I will leave it there and just say &lsquo;thank you&rsquo;. I don&rsquo;t know where we&rsquo;d have been without easibirthing- I&rsquo;ll be singing your praises to all pregnant women I meet in the future!</p> <p>Forever thankful</p> <p>Beth, Mark and Rowan Wycherley</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Julia's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/juliaas-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/juliaas-hospital-birth-story <p>The news is that Romilly Violet arrived safely Sunday evening after a 2.5-hour labour (Stages 1,2 and 3) with NO pain relief except gas and air&hellip; except a LOT of pushing my index finger and thumb together!</p> <div>I had a massively long latent phase once more, which exhausted me utterly &ndash; but active labour itself was very quick. I have to say, Stage 2 (the pushing stage) wasn&rsquo;t really bad at all &ndash; I found stage one by far the hardest to cope with. The things that really stuck in my mind were the pushing together of thumb and forefinger, the blue balloon filling up and floating away and visualising a lower number on the blackboard and the phrases &ldquo;each contraction brings you one step closer to meeting your baby&rdquo;, and &ldquo;calm, confident and in control&rdquo;.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>I won&rsquo;t lie, labour was hard (I think the clue is in the name), it felt much harder and longer than the first one, even though it was a good 14 hours shorter! But I have to say the utter amazement and shock that &ldquo;I did this all myself&rdquo; has been, once the sheer weight of it hit me, quite empowering. Losing control or &ldquo;being at the point of no return&rdquo; has been a persistent and horrible fear of mine forever. Having faced that fear &ldquo;you&rsquo;re now 10cm, no you actually can&rsquo;t have pain relief at this stage now, you&rsquo;ve nearly done it, you HAVE to do this now&rdquo; and just getting on with it, has been a big hurdle to overcome. Perhaps I CAN actually do things, perhaps life isn&rsquo;t quite so scary after all! To be honest, I&rsquo;m still in complete and utter shock about how quickly it all happened and that I actually did it myself.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity and the tools to be able to find the reserves in myself somewhere to do it &ndash; without your help, I would not have had the guts to do that myself and you&rsquo;ve allowed me to be able to sit here and say that I gave birth all by myself without help, which genuinely feels like an absolutely massive achievement. You are amazing! xxxx</div> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Suzanne's Home Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/suzanneas-home-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/suzanneas-home-birth-story <p>Just wanted to drop a line to say thanks so much for the Easibirthing techniques which I used for the birth of my second child.</p> <p>Using the breathing and visualisations I felt in control of the birth and was able to enjoy the whole experience.&nbsp; My baby came into this world in a calm and relaxed atmosphere and the birth was less than 2.5 hours from start to finish which I think was helped by my being totally relaxed and very well prepared.</p> <p>I was even able to be so absorbed in the birthing experience I didn&rsquo;t use&nbsp;pain relief (gas and air) for a few contractions and I was able to really tune into my body and listen to what the baby was doing.&nbsp; It felt like we were synchronised and working together.</p> <p>The fantastic birth experience was also appreciated by my spouse who asked why our first baby wasn&rsquo;t so easy &ndash; I said because I hadn&rsquo;t used Easibirthing then!</p> <p>I do feel that my newborn baby is easier to look after too as she is very laid back which I put down to the birth so thank you again, Sharon, for all your help!</p> <p>All the best wishes</p> <p>Su Morgan and baby Imogen</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Carla's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/carlaas-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/carlaas-hospital-birth-story <p>My husband and I attended your easy birthing course back in July and I thought you may be interested to know my recent birth story as I am under no doubt that the techniques and general awareness learned over those couple of days contributed hugely to the positive experience of the birth of our son at the end of August.</p> <p>You may recall from our first conversation that I wanted to transfer from Swindon to Salisbury hospital to try and ensure a successful VBAC this time around. My first baby (now 21 months) was born early at 36 weeks and after my waters broke, we discovered she was breech so I then followed a standard c-section procedure at Swindon.</p> <p>This all went well and I recovered quickly etc. However, when I discovered I was pregnant again I was surprised that Swindon offered me the &lsquo;choice&rsquo; of another c-section or an attempt at VBAC. I actually found this choice quite difficult to process as I didn&rsquo;t think I would have any option but to try for a vaginal birth considering there was no medical reason to suggest why I shouldn&rsquo;t.</p> <p>Anyway, after investigating matters, I came to the conclusion that I should at least attempt a vaginal birth. This then led me to consider how, in an ideal scenario, id like the birth to be and what I needed to do to help get my head around the matter of trying for a natural birth. I must say, at this point, I did feel very daunted by the thought of giving birth and actually quite anxious but felt that I should go for it.</p> <p>With this in mind, I spoke to a number of friends, and professionals &ndash; in both hospitals, my midwife, and a local doula and did quite a lot of web research into natural births. For me, the most basic need was that I wanted to be upright, mobile, and active as much as possible to aid the birthing process and due to the fact that Swindon doesn&rsquo;t provide a mobile monitoring system (telemetry), this most basic birthing need wasn&rsquo;t able to be met there.</p> <p>I was told I &lsquo;had&rsquo; to be constantly monitored once in active labour due to the previous c-section and the slight risk of scar rupture. So, after speaking to a number of midwives in Salisbury as well as their VBAC clinic (which was fab that they even had such a thing) I found out that they have a mobile monitoring system that would enable the medical need to be met of me being constantly monitored but more importantly for me, it allowed me to be active&hellip;should I wish to be so. It also allowed me to be in the water.</p> <p>I also found the midwife approach at Salisbury to be much more forward-thinking and encouraging in allowing women to have an as natural birth without intervention as possible. The procedure for VBACs in each hospital was actually quite different and for me, the approach of Salisbury seemed a lot more &lsquo;natural&rsquo;.</p> <p>So, I quite quickly decided that overall Salisbury seemed to be able to provide the kind of environment and approach that most matched what I wanted &ndash; in an ideal scenario of course as you can never predict childbirth. I transferred to Salisbury hospital and we attended the NHS session that you run as well as the follow on two Saturday sessions. This, and the various discussions, massively put my head into focus and I had a completely different and now confident view of my looming birth. I was actually quite excited about it!</p> <p>The birth itself was a wonderful, peaceful, and quite incredible experience. My main goal was to try and attempt a natural birth but I was totally realistic in that this was effectively my first birth and what would be would be. I was open to pain relief (bar pethidine) and just wanted to be active if I felt the need. I also wanted to try being in the water pool. As it was, I gave birth to our little boy Finley John (8lb 9oz) in complete calmness and in the water, and without any pain relief throughout!!</p> <p>I just used breathing techniques such as blowing my contractions into a balloon and then releasing them at the end of the contraction and also breathing in the colour of calm and breathing out the colour of tension. I used this one a lot!! The birth in total lasted 32 hours (!) although from 3cm to actual birth, it was about 8.5hours which was pretty good. The lengthy part was getting into established labour at 3cm. I still can&rsquo;t believe I managed that length of time without pain relief!! That wasn&rsquo;t how I envisaged it at all but I just focussed on dealing with each contraction one by one and consequently was off somewhere else in a world of my own just focussing on getting the baby out.</p> <p>The birthing room was lovely, we had aromatherapy (provided by the hospital) and the only lighting was in the pool so it was very tranquil &ndash; now there&rsquo;s a word I never thought I&rsquo;d use when describing childbirth!! I used my TENS machine in early labour which i found helped, probably as it gave me something to do when trying to manage the contractions. My husband was allowed to stay with me the entire time we were in the hospital (Sunday 11pm-ish until Tuesday evening) and although we knew the midwives were supportive and were there if we needed them, we were left to get on with things ourselves which were great. The aftercare was also lovely and we were back home the same day i gave birth which was wonderful given my last 4-day hospital stay after the c-section.</p> <p>I totally surprised myself as I no way expected a birth like that but reflecting back now, from that initial panic at 4/5 months pregnant, once I&rsquo;d made my decision to try for a natural birth, I got my head into gear and became quite focussed and more importantly relaxed and calm about the process. I think this really helped as once I was in labour i wasn&rsquo;t frightened or anxious, I just knew I had to get on with it as no one could do it for me so being calm and rational was the best course of action.</p> <p>I have over 10 friends who are currently pregnant (with first and second babies) and it was lovely to come back and tell them a happy positive birth story as you don&rsquo;t hear many of them. I would recommend to anyone pregnant to try attending a course like yours as it does help provide an alternative, natural view of birth not the predominantly scary, pain-driven one portrayed by many. But I would also encourage women to not just accept hospital protocol as being entirely right for them as individuals.</p> <p>Just because a consultant tells you to do something, it doesn&rsquo;t mean that he or she is 100% right. Childbirth is a natural process and we as women instinctively know what to do &ndash; even when we think we don&rsquo;t. Medical professionals are there to support and ensure events run as safely as possible for both mother and baby and of course, we should listen to their advice. However, it makes me feel both frustrated and sad that other women in my position who may not have explored all VBAC avenues, could end up having intervention/c-sections when they aren&rsquo;t necessary. But as you must be well aware, this forms part of a much bigger debate and one that will take a lot longer to conclude.</p> <p>Anyway, thank you for providing the course, and also thank you to Salisbury hospital for including it to prospective parents as a foundation knowledge course as it really is useful. I wish you continued success in the course and when the time comes for baby number 3, I&rsquo;ll definitely be back to see you for a little refresher course.</p> <p>With kind regards<br />Carla, Greg, Isabella, and Finley Watts</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Hannah's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/hannahas-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/hannahas-hospital-birth-story <div class="txt-area"> <div>I felt I really needed to let you know my news, Evie Rose was born on Tuesday 15th June at Salisbury hospital using Hynobirthing.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>I had been practicing every other day by listening to your CDs and felt that this was a great aid to embed a sense of calm into my subconscious as I felt confident and in control at all times about my birth.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Well, where do I start on Tuesday morning around 8 am I woke with slight discomfort which became repetitive throughout the morning however with no such pattern and the fact I felt I could go about my usual day I thought maybe it was just Braxton Hicks contractions.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>I was due my usual checkup with the midwife at 1.30 pm that day so thought I would just let her know then. &nbsp;After having a contraction in front of my midwife and showing no real discomfort she just put it down to Braxton Hicks and to just go home and carry on as usual and that even if it was the real thing it may continue like this over the next few days. I returned home about 2 pm and for the next 2 hours, they continued with no pattern so I just had a bath and relaxed and listened to your CD.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>By 4 pm they began to come on slightly stronger and began a regular pattern of 1 every 5 minutes but still I was able to continue through the pain, then at 5pm, I had my show so I thought I better contact the hospital as I then realised this was the real thing, I had a contraction on the phone to the midwife at the hospital however she reassured me I had a while to go and that if I came in I may well be sent home again. &nbsp;At this point, I felt I had lost a lot of blood so insisted I came in.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>As I was getting into the car my waters then broke so I knew I was doing the right thing. During the car journey, I started doing my visualisations and breathing techniques and remained calm throughout.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>We arrived at Salisbury hospital at 6.15 pm I then walked from the car park to the delivery room contracting along the way, once on the bed I was examined to be told I was already fully dilated and could start pushing on my next contraction!!</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>The midwife could not believe it and said that she had never experienced a woman walking into the delivery room fully dilated and couldn't believe how calm and in control I was especially for a first-birth mum.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>I then pushed using the hypnobirthing techniques I learned from you and had practiced since and was able to deliver without any drugs whatsoever, Evie Rose was born at 8.10 pm that very night!!! The midwife was shocked at how my heart rate remained normal and calm throughout as well as Evie's heartbeat. I must tell you it was such an amazing experience so smooth and natural and so quick, in total I was in labour for just 7 hours!!&nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>You are a God in my eyes Sharon! and I can not thank you enough for helping me to be able to have that experience. &nbsp;I can't believe how far I have come from being petrified of the birth and so frightened of hospitals, overnight I became a celebrity at the hospital with several midwives coming in to introduce themselves and ask me how I did it and how lucky Sue (the midwife who helped with delivery) was to have experience it first hand.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>I am an advocate of Hypnobirthing and would love to share my experience based on your teaching with anyone whom you feel would be appropriate.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Thank you again,</div> <div>Hannah</div> </div> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Carla's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/carlas-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/carlas-birth-quote <p>With the birth of my son 3 years ago, through using hypnobirthing, keeping focussed and calm, I had an amazing water birth with no assistance or drugs.</p> <p>I planned to do this again with Florence&rsquo;s birth and thankfully did.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Carla's Hospital Birth Story #2 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/carlas-hospital-birth-story-2 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/carlas-hospital-birth-story-2 <p>Hi Sharon<br /> <br />We had a little girl at the beginning of February - Florence Elizabeth. Birth was all very straight forward again thankfully. We are really enjoying having a baby around again....</p> <p>1hr 24mins (1st stage) and 2nd stage (pushing) was only 3 mins!! She shot out still in her waters! However I had contractions building up to the first stage for about 9 hours although this was all manageable.</p> <p>I tried gas and air but didn't find it of any use and it hampered my ability to breathe which made me loose focus. I had my TENS machine though as I did with previous labour and found this to be really helpful at both reducing intensity of contractions and distracting me.</p> <p>Florence was born at 10.30pm and we went home after lunch the next day.</p> <p>I did this course before the birth of my son 3 years ago and as my first daughter was born by C-section, I had no comparison of experiencing natural child birth. This blissful unawareness allowed me to labour step by step and just see how I went. Thankfully through using hyno- birthing, keeping focused and calm I had an amazing water birth with no assistance or drugs. I planned to do this again with Florence's birth and thankfully I did. I was lucky enough to have another peaceful, natural and unassisted birth (and totally drug free).</p> <p>I would add that at times I found it harder to keep on track as I sort of knew what was ahead for me (in terms of intensity of contractions, potential length of labour etc). This did make me waver a few times but with Greg's support and getting him to read outloud the positive affirmations etc, it helped me re-focus and regain the control. It really is all about mind over matter and keeping calm, confident and in control. With our family now complete, I feel very lucky to have had the wonderful birth experiences I did.</p> <p>(Carla's previous birth story is also on our website)</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Becci's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/beccis-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/beccis-birth-quote <p>&#160;Due to 15 days overdue, I had an induction, baby turned back to back then caesarean. Throughout all I managed to stay calm using what was taught during hypnobirthing also baby stats stayed the same and baby was very calm.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Lucy's Home Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lucys-home-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lucys-home-birth-story <p>Hi Sharon</p> <p>I just wanted to update you with our news. Samuel Isaac Stanley Dawson was born at home at 7.43pm.</p> <p>Although it was the home birth we were after it was a little different to the one I had imagined! Although I had been having contractions all afternoon, I thought it was false labour as they weren't that painful and weren't progressing beyond 1 in every 8-10 minutes.&#160; I walked the dog at 4.30 pm and was in the bath with Freya, our eldest daughter, at 6.45pm, an hour before Samuel was born.</p> <p>After Mark put Freya to bed, I got out the bath and my waters promptly broke. After that my body went immediately into push mode so I got Mark to call an ambulance as I knew Samuel was on his way.</p> <p>As Mark let in the paramedics downstairs, I birthed Samuel's head upstairs, and the rest of his body quickly followed as the first paramedic came into the bedroom. He is healthy and well and I'm happy we could stay at home and didn't need to transfer to hospital for any additional checks.</p> <p>I had a visit from the midwife today and she asked me how I felt about the birth. In answer , I feel pretty proud. I always believed it is possible to give birth at home, naturally, with no intervention, and that's exactly what we did. I had been listening to your CDs religiously and I'm sure they had a great part to play in building this belief and helping me keep relaxed and confident about the whole birthing experience.</p> <p>Once again many thanks for your help</p> <p>Best regards</p> <p>Lucy Dawson</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Lucy's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lucys-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lucys-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p>It was a great experience, if a little surprising. Our official labour time was 24 minutes - and no &#160;noticeable transition at all (huzzah!)<br /> We also went for a physiological third stage - I'm pleased we did - if nothing else it gave me time to rest and have more skin-to-skin time with Samuel whilst we waited.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Georgiana's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/georgianas-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/georgianas-birth-quote <p>It was a natural birth in a water pool. Just some gas and air for pain relief. I found it easier than expected, managed not to tear and everybody was amazed by my performance.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Nicky and Richard's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/nicky-and-richards-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/nicky-and-richards-hospital-birth-story <p><span style="font-family: 'Tahoma','sans-serif';"><span lang="">The Hypnosis for Childbirth course significantly helped me before, during and after the birth. We are now the proud parents of a very relaxed and contented little girl.<br />&#160;<br />As my induction day was fast approaching I started feeling apprehensive and worried. This became worse as my Consultant told us that I was unable to have a water birth and that I needed to be monitored throughout the birth. My apprehension was also increased as I rarely felt the baby kicking and on one occassion the midwife sent me straight to the hospital as she was unable to find the baby's heart beat.<br /> &#160;<br />We were then introduced to Sharon on a Hypno Birthing introduction night. During that session I relaxed completely and as I relaxed I felt the baby move. The evening was so positive that we signed up immediately for the course, it was the best thing in respect of the birth we could have done. The courses were brilliant and the CDs helped my to relax up to and including the day of the induction.<br /> &#160;<br />Due to the information and techniques we learnt on the Hypnosis for Childbirth course and the CDs both my birth partner and I were able to enjoy the birth. The hypno birthing installed a confidence in me that I could do it. It also reminded us to enjoy ourselves. The course also gave my birth partners confidence about his role. I was induced Monday morning and delivered Baby Isobel safely 6pm the next evening. I had over 24 hours of contractions. By relaxing and breathing correctly I was able to deliver Isobel with just the use of the Tens Machine and Gas and Air. Both my birth partner and I really enjoyed the whole experience and both agree that it was the hypno birthing that significantly contributed to this enjoyment. We were able to relax and enjoy the whole experience, right from walking around the hospital during the early stages to induce the labour through to taking the first photos of the baby.<br /> &#160;<br />The hypno birthing CDs also helped after the birth. I was having problems sleeping and relaxing once we got Isobel home. My Midwife recommended that I listened to the Hypno Birthing CDs. These helped significantly and as soon as I heard Sharon's voice on the CDs I was able to relax again and since then been able to sleep much better.<br />&#160;<br />Both my birth partner and I would like to thank Sharon very much for helping us enjoy the birthing experience so much and for ensuring that the birth was so special and gave us happy memories that we can treasure for the rest of our lives.</span></span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Catherine's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/catherines-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/catherines-hospital-birth-story <div>I had a baby girl, Cleopatra (Cleo) Evie Barrington on 29 August 2014 at 12.40pm in a pool room at SDH watching the pool being filled up as there had been no time for a water birth!</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>I was induced in the end as I was overdue and over 40! My due date was my 40th birthday and NICE guidelines say that no woman over 40 should be allowed to go overdue, most are induced on the due date. The thing was in my notes, as my birthday was my due date, I wasn't technically a mother over 40 so I wasn't on the radar- it was wonderful, no one mentioned it even though I knew!</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>My first was + 3days so I thought this baby might be late. I opted not to have a sweep at my 40 week check up (age wasn't mentioned - think the midwife for to check even though I was then 40 years + 1 day old), I waited until the next week, had a sweep on the Thursday and whilst chatting things through with the midwife she said they would give it 24-48 hours to see how things went, then maybe another&#160;sweep etc etc&#160;'after all there is no need to hurry things along really, is there?' at which point I piped&#160;up (as I was&#160;well ready to meet my baby by now)&#160;'except that I am over 40 now'. Cue *WHAT* from the community midwife, frantic rustling of papers, date checking, apologising that she hadn't noticed previously etc, one call to the on call registrar at SDH and I was booked in for an induction the next day&#160;at 8am!</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>In the end, it was quite relaxed as I queried with the ward if they needed me at 8am on the dot as I had to take my little boy to nursery etc and they were easy on the time. I arrived and was monitored at around 9.30am, they broke my waters (ARM) at 11am and the whole delivery, including third stage was all over by 12.40pm. No gel or drip needed. This was as the community midwife had predicted as my baby was so well engaged.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>My first baby was delivered within 14 minutes of arriving at the hospital as I had laboured so successfully at home (in the bath mainly) so this time although the ARM was clinical and unpleasant and I was uncertain of myself throughout a lot of the labour I was pleased to be in hospital from the start so there was no mad rush to get there like last time. The&#160;Iengya&#160;yoga and pregnancy yoga I had practised helped a lot as did the hypnobirthing. I listened with headphones to your cds and visualisations for the first&#160;stage of labour throughout, except for the actual ARM and the stitches afterwards (I&#160;had a tear, like with my first baby) when I listened to my yoga&#160;teachers' recommended playlist and the one we had used in class ('happy tunes'&#160;- to help take me to a 'happy place'!!).</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>The hypno cds really helped when I was on my back on the bed being monitored, I was sure I was having contractions already from the sweep and it was uncomfortable being prone on my back. Then again once the ARM had happened, they monitored me again (although I was allowed to sit on a birthing ball) so my movements were restricted, and I was sure the contractions were more intense, all very uncomfortable. I used my TENS machine - useful as a distraction as well as pain relief.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>I was grateful of anything that gave me some sense of grounding and control as the labour pains were not like those first time round that had come on naturally. I had no idea 'where I was' on the labour journey and how far I had to go. The midwives didn't either as I was so calm and quiet.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>We talked about aromatherapy just after the ARM and I requested a pool room and some aromatherapy oils. They went away (I was left with student midwife on ward while the&#160;other midwife checked on someone on post natal) and I got in the bath in the small labour room we had to relieve the pain I was in, no drugs were forthcoming (I'd asked for paracetamol), no mention of being moved, so I had 2 of my own paracetamol and we asked for the pool room, contractions had been every minute since the ARM and were maybe every 5-10 mins before that. Got out of the pool in between contractions and shuffled with TENS to the pool room.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>As soon as I got to the pool room I felt a lot calmer, it was lovely and spacious and light and airy, pool filling commenced but before it was even halfway, I started doing some gentle yoga swaying and&#160;I felt I needed to push. The student had been going to get towels but turned round to see me moaning&#160;(apparently I was standing by the window, leaning on the windowsill&#160;with my legs crossed!). Afterwards she said that&#160;at that moment she just had a very strong feeling that the baby was coming and she shouldn't leave me, so she pressed a buzzer for someone else to bring bedding and towels. She helped me to the bed to examine me and 2 pushes later (and a second degree tear) Cleo was out! A relieved and surprised midwife, mummy and daddy.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>The other midwife said later that she&#160;was walking back from post natal thinking 'yes, we must get that aromatherapy for my lady now' when she heard a baby crying and thought 'noooo, I can't have missed it?' but she had. My student midwife was just 3 weeks off qualifying and absolutely fabulous throughout.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>Overall a very positive induction experience. I hated how clinical it was, but with hindsight it was a great way and outcome as I wasn't worrying about my little boy as I had arranged nursery for him all day and his grandparents to collect him, which meant I could concentrate, with my husband,&#160;on the birth.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>Thanks,</div> <div>Catherine</div> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Susanna and Tom's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/susanna-and-toms-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/susanna-and-toms-hospital-birth-story <p>Our boy Bryn Meredydd John David was born on Wednesday 10th September at 2pm weighing in at a hefty 9lb 2oz. The labour was relatively quick 9hrs 9mins from very start at home to arrival. Labour had to involve an epidural in the end as Bryn was slightly on the twist. The hypnobirthing really worked, cannot thank you enough, the medical team were astounded at how calm I was, so was I!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Selina's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/selinas-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/selinas-hospital-birth-story <p>To say that I&#8217;m squeamish is an under-statement. I first fainted at school when I was 5 after I went with a friend whilst she had some dressings changed. I&#8217;ve never been able to watch casualty or similar programmes and even hearing about metal getting into an eye in a technology lesson resulted in me fainting and landing on the floor. Hospitals make me feel queasy-on many an occasion, when visiting relatives, I&#8217;d be found in the corridor taking a breather so that the urge to faint would pass. So when I fell pregnant I was slightly worried about how I would cope in a hospital let alone with the medical equipment that would be around me! Hypnobirthing allowed me to get over my fear of child birth. I can&#8217;t say that I used the visualisation techniques during my labour but I know that the course helped to remain calm during the process &#8211; and a 7.5 hour labour can&#8217;t be bad! Subconsciously I&#8217;m sure it allowed me to arrive at hospital 6m dilated. It gave me a strength that I didn&#8217;t think I could possibly have.</p> <p>The very early beginnings of my labour started the early hours of Thursday 29<sup>th</sup> May 2014. I woke in the night very wet. Luckily there was a towel ready on the bed as I thought my waters had broken. I then had a &#8216;show&#8217;. It was a very long night with what I thought were contractions. I was able to manage them lying in bed but it did mean I got very little sleep and the mucus plug was coming thick and fast!</p> <p>I rang the midwife team first thing Thursday morning but by this time the pains had stopped. A midwife came to examine me and assured me that my waters hadn&#8217;t broken and I wasn&#8217;t in labour. I was to go about my normal business for the day as the baby could be a long time yet. With my hospital bag packed in the car, we visited my Grandma as it was her birthday, met a friend for coffee in Salisbury and visited my in laws for tea. I didn&#8217;t feel particularly comfortable that day and by the time we were at my in laws, I was having to pause whilst the pain came and went. I was still putting this down to Braxton hicks.</p> <p>The rest of Thursday evening and early morning Friday is a bit of a blur. We went to bed but by 1am I was having contractions. The journey to Salisbury was a quick one as it was so early and a few speed limits may have been broken! When we arrived at the labour ward at about 5.40am, I went in by myself and my husband parked the car. Eventually I was examined and was found to be 6cm. I was quickly moved to a delivery suite!</p> <p>I remember spending the rest of the labour until the pushing stage in a sort of trance. I can&#8217;t really remember anything eventful happening! My cervix was fully dilated at around 7.50am. The wait for the final contraction felt like an eternity but Beth was finally born at 8.27am. The placenta followed a few minutes later (I was completely unaware of this). It&#8217;s still a mystery as to when my waters broke as it didn&#8217;t happen at hospital.</p> <p>Beth was put on my chest (I was still in my pyjamas!)</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Sam's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sams-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sams-birth-quote <p>I had a wonderful water birth, under 6 hours from first contraction to him arriving.</p> <p>I can honestly say that I didn't feel any pain with contractions, I'm not going to lie and say I couldn't feel the when his head was coming out but that was only a few seconds on discomfort.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Sarah's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarahs-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarahs-hospital-birth-story <p>Hi Sharon <br /><br />I attended your hypnosis course in June (I think!), just to let you know the great news Joshua John safely arrived on 11 August at 11.19pm weighing in at 7 pounds and 9 and half ounces. Due to your course which helped me I had him with just gas and air, unfortunately I was not able to deliver in the birthing pool and had to get out once it got to the pushing stage keeping me calm using the anchor technique I managed to get out and go over to the bed. <br /><br />Thank you so much for everything you did my mum and partner were amazing also, remembering what to say at the right time. Joshua was delivered and was very calm, stage 3 went very smoothly also and breast feeding was like a duck to water. Thank you again for helping me to experience the actual joy of giving birth.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Lucy and Mark's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lucy-and-marks-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lucy-and-marks-hospital-birth-story <p>Hi Sharon</p> <p>I just wanted to update you with our news. Samuel Isaac Stanley Dawson was born at home on Saturday 1st March at 7.43pm.</p> <p>Although it was the home birth we were after it was a little different to the one I had imagined! Although I had been having contractions all afternoon, I thought it was false labour as they weren't that painful and weren't progressing beyond 1 in every 8-10 minutes.&#160; I walked the dog at 4.30 pm and was in the bath with Freya, our eldest daughter, at 6.45pm, an hour before Samuel was born.</p> <p>After Mark put Freya to bed, I got out the bath and my waters promptly broke. After that my body went immediately into push mode so I got Mark to call an ambulance as I knew Samuel was on his way.</p> <p>As Mark let in the paramedics downstairs, I birthed Samuel's head upstairs, and the rest of his body quickly followed as the first paramedic came into the bedroom. He is healthy and well and I'm happy we could stay at home and didn't need to transfer to hospital for any additional checks.</p> <p>I had a visit from the midwife today and she asked me how I felt about the birth. In answer , I feel pretty proud. I always believed it is possible to give birth at home, naturally, with no intervention, and that's exactly what we did. I had been listening to your CDs religiously and I'm sure they had a great part to play in building this belief and helping me keep relaxed and confident about the whole birthing experience.</p> <p>Once again many thanks for your help</p> <p>Best regards</p> <p>Lucy Dawson</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Jemma's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jemmas-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jemmas-birth-quote <p>Fabulous, was in control throughout and can remember it all clear as day, with very fond memories!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Gina's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/ginas-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/ginas-birth-quote <p>It was much easier than expected, I felt in control and aware of what was happening. I felt I could trust my body to do what was needed whilst I focused on relaxing.</p> <p>The baby was born, whilst I was preparing myself for the most difficult part!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Nicky's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/nickys-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/nickys-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p>Both my birth partner and I would like to thank Sharon very much for helping us enjoy the birthing experience so much and for ensuring that the birth was so special and gave us happy memories that we can treasure for the rest of our lives.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Sarah's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarahs-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarahs-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p>Thank you so much for everything you did my mum and partner were amazing also, remembering what to say at the right time. Joshua was delivered and was very calm, stage 3 went very smoothly also and breast feeding was like a duck to water. Thank you again for helping me to experience the actual joy of giving birth.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Sharon's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sharons-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sharons-hospital-birth-story <div>Well what can I say I woke in the morning of the 7th feeling different somehow. I was at home that day from work just sorting paperwork supposedly 9 days before my due date. I wasn't worried as had convinced myself as being an older first time mum, at 44, I would likely go full term and then be induced, as high risk you are not allowed to go long past this date and all the conversations sort of Drew me to this conclusion with most first babies coming late.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>So started doing my sorting and started leaking as if I was incontinent nothing much just had to go to the loo a lot, and as I felt different rang my husband just to say to stay close to the phone that day. The morning progressed and started getting what I would describe as bad period pains, I never normally get these so assumed that is what they would feel like. Husband rang home to say he could work from home that afternoon if he wanted me to but I said leave it an hour and see how we go as I was feeling fine. Well leaking continued and pains began to stop me from doing what I wanted so rang husband and said come home just in case. I also rang the hospital at this time just to see what they thought of the pains as I didn't have a clue really.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>12.15 I am speaking to the labour ward and they ask, have your waters broken yet? I say no just a bit of leaking and then oh hold on a moment, got to the toilet, just and gush, yes that have just broken.....</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>They explain that I can go 18 hours before they would need to do anything and to ring back at 9pm to let them know how I am going if no change. Husband gets home at about 1pm to find me pacing a lot and now having to breath through what must be a contraction but pain not excruciating and very manageable so wasn't even sure if it was full contractions. And only place able to get comfy..sat on the loo.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>Contractions getting closer together and about 1.30pm rang the labour ward again and to ask, sounds silly I know, how long people wait before it is necessary to go in, and of course they said everyone has a different pain threshold so when you really can't cope anymore or contractions are closer together. At this point mine were probably every 15 mins so I thought but husband was timing them and saying they were getting much closer than that and I was definitely in labour. For me as the pain was not that bad thought I couldn't be!!!&#160;</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>Well husband kept saying we should go in, but I was like, no they need to tell me to, so rang the hospital again about 2.15pm. Had a contraction whilst on the phone and yes contractions coming every 5mins....so response yes you had better come in. Had thought about taking some painkillers prior to this but never got round to it.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>So load the car and then time for me try and sit in front seat, no that's no good really uncomfortable and then little one decides I want to push, so what next, oh yes the funny bit!! I get out the car another contraction leaning against the car in road husband is going you are going to have to move there is a tractor coming! Now how to get in car, at this point I was thinking we are not going to make it! So yes only thing for it the only way I can travel is lead on the back seat.... 2.30pm we are off.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>I guess the next bit is where the hypnosis really kicked in as all the, bumpy way there, every contraction I was having to focus on don't push, you can't push just yet, breath, relax think of that happy place.... It worked.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>We reached the labour ward at 2.50pm lucky husband is a calm character and can manoeuvre in traffic well, as really concerned about the roadworks on the Harnham roundabout. On the Monday of that same week it had taken me over half an hour to get through them after hospital check up.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>Anyway taken down and urge to push saying don't push don't push and midwife comes in and says let's have a look at you, so hop on the bed, yeah ok not hop, and she says oh you can push if you want to...</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>3.40pm our beautiful little girl is born, with only one small internal tear which was stitched because we came home but probably wouldn't have been if I had stayed in. The midwives said it was text book and I must have walked her out.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>So not checked in, not changed my clothes, no drugs, didn't even get to unpack my bag of snacks, music, pillow everything you are recommended to take, &#160;she was coming anyway.&#160;</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>As the birth went so well we were told we could come home that same day if we wanted and that's exactly what we did 10pm we were a family of 3 at home!</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>As this was my first difficult to say how the hypnosis helped as I have nothing to compare it to, &#160;but I am sure it did, helping me breath and not panic and not focus on the pain. And I couldn't have asked for a smoother birth, thankfully my little one was only 6lb so a wee one not sure how we would have gone otherwise but maybe that will be my next story.....</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>Hope this helps and again apologies for late response birth was quick but been catching up with myself ever since. I would definitely recommend this course and hope other mothers have births as straight forward and controlled as mine was using your techniques.</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>Regards&#160;</div> <div>&#160;</div> <div>Sharon</div> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Emily's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emilys-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emilys-birth-quote <p>When the baby came out in the pool it was one of the most amazing experiences and I was so happy I hadn't had any pain relief to mask those feelings, I really feel it has helped me bond with my gorgeous baby.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Louise's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/louises-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/louises-birth-quote <p><span>I had some real concerns due to my first labour being a</span><br /><span>forceps delivery, but you enabled me to go ahead and find my inner</span><br /><span>strength, whilst keeping &#160;cool, calm and collected! &#160;The power of</span><br /><span>hypno-birthing is truly amazing, thank you!</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Vicky's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/vickys-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/vickys-birth-quote <p><span style="font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif';">Interesting/unusual/amazing/exciting/slightly shocking//mixed emotions</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Vicky's Home Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/vickys-home-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/vickys-home-birth-story <p class="ecxMsoNormal"><span style="font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif';">My waters broke at midnight.&#160; I&#160;felt very calm as had been using the techniques taught.&#160; I spoke to Salisbury Hospital and they told me to come in as they needed to check whether baby was engaged and whether my waters really had broken.&#160; I&#160;was discharged by Salisbury around 0200 hrs and told that I was not in labour and that the pain I&#160;was feeling was "pre labour niggles".&#160;&#160;The midwife did not examine my cervix&#160;and when I&#160;asked if I was dilated she said no, not at all!!&#160; She did not wish to examine my cervix due to the risk of infection.</span></p> <p class="ecxMsoNormal"><span style="font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif';">I live 40 minutes away from Salisbury hospital so we drove home, very slowly&#160;with me having&#160;strong contractions in the car.&#160; I could not speak to my husband as in too much discomfort and needed to concentrate on myself!&#160; I&#160;continued using the techniques taught on the journey home.&#160; I&#160;then&#160;went straight into the downstairs bathroom and within&#160;10 minutes of arriving home baby was born.&#160; No pushing and only an hour or so of pain/discomfort.&#160; I&#160;didn't even get the chance to use the Tens machine which I&#160;had bought!!</span></p> <p class="ecxMsoNormal"><span style="font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif';">I'm very proud of my husband as he remained calm at all times even when delivering/birthing our little one.&#160; </span></p> <p class="ecxMsoNormal"><span style="font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif';">This wasn't the birth I had envisaged as I had thought I would be in Salisbury Hospital having a water birth.&#160; Ultimately I do feel let down by the midwife who saw me on the night as she should have examined me properly after I complained of pain.&#160; However I think after this experience we can do anything including birthing our own&#160;baby!&#160;</span></p> <p class="ecxMsoNormal"><span style="font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif';">However in summary a good news story.&#160; I would never ever have believed that it would be possible to give birth at home without any medical assistance especially as we were all booked in for a hospital birth.&#160; I had been having scans every 2 weeks since the 20 week scan due to the size of the baby&#160; So a home birth was out of the question.</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Vey's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/veys-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/veys-birth-quote <p><span>The actual birth was amazing, listening to you with lights dimmed - it was so controlled and really one of the best experiences ever.&#160;</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Sarah's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarahs-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarahs-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p>Thank you once again for the hypnobirthing...very much used with the birth of this little one. The birth didn't exactly go to plan but thankfully I was able to keep calm and when lost my focus I was able to get back to my calm place fast.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Dawn's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/dawns-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/dawns-birth-quote <p><span>Thanks to your help I managed to stay calm and focused. I felt in control and the midwives did everything they could to heal the wounds of my last birth. It was a smooth and healing experience.</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Louise's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/louises-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/louises-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p>I'm amazed how calm I felt during labour &amp; had the kind of experience I was hoping for. Thank you for all your help-it was as if you were in the room at times!!!</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Luci's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lucis-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lucis-hospital-birth-story <p><span>We just wanted to let you know about the safe arrival of our beautiful</span><br /><span>little boy Rowan. He was born last Friday at home, and weighed 8lb</span><br /><span>4oz. &#160;</span><br /><br /><span>We very happily managed to repeat the serene water birth we had with</span><br /><span>our daughter Seren, three and a half years ago. I have no doubt that</span><br /><span>hypnobirthing played a huge part in enabling this and we are so very</span><br /><span>grateful to you. &#160;It was also a much much quicker labour than with</span><br /><span>Seren and for that I am very appreciative!&#160;</span><br /><br /><span>Rowan is completely chilled out, feeding well and we are all on cloud</span><br /><span>nine. I'm sure when colin goes back to work life will get a lot more</span><br /><span>hectic but maybe I will just use my hypnobirthing techniques to help</span><br /><span>me stay calm then! &#160;</span><br /><br /><span>Of course I will be recommending you far and wide and hope that you</span><br /><span>can continue the fantastic work you do for many years to come.&#160;</span><br /><br /><span>With heartfelt thanks</span><br /><br /><span>Luci, Colin, Seren and Rowan xxx</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Laura's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lauras-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lauras-birth-quote <p><span>It was&#160;magical. We&#160;felt in control and very calm throughout. We were&#160;focused on&#160;meeting our baby and were able to concentrate on supporting each other.</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Luci's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lucis-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lucis-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p><span>Amazing and perfect, could not have asked for better. Feel very, very lucky that we have had two fantastic homebirths&#160;and attribute that to two things - attending the hypnobirthing&#160;classes during both pregnancies and my stubbornness!</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Laura's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lauras-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lauras-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p>&#160;I felt calm and in control, without panicking as I would probably have done without the hypnosis training.&#160; Able to deal with situations as they arose, and focus on the present moment, dealing with each contraction or situation at the time rather than worrying about what might or might not happen next.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Tora's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/toras-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/toras-hospital-birth-story <p><span>Hi Sharon</span><br /><span>&#160;</span><br /><span>Wilbur Snell was born on 19th June at 20:39 by C-section.&#160; All went very well and the team at Salisbury were faultless, they made the whole experience simple and stress free, we were very lucky to be in such good hands.</span><br /><span>&#160;</span><br /><span>The surgeon who delivered Wilbur said my uterus was significantly bi-cornate and unlikely we would have turned him.</span><br /><span>&#160;</span><br /><span>It all turned out well in the end and we have a very content, happy and healthy little boy who is a dream to look after and lets us get some sleep at night which is a bonus!</span><br /><span>&#160;</span><br /><span>Your hypno birthing techniques came in useful at various occasions, particularly when we found out is was going to be a planned section and all I wanted was a homebirth - used the anchoring and found that helped me keep a grip on it all.</span><br /><span>&#160;</span><br /><span>Fingers crossed that child number 2 is more obliging when it comes to delivery!</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Sophie and Derek's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sophie-and-dereks-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sophie-and-dereks-hospital-birth-story <p dir="ltr">I was able to get to 7cms before we went to hospital.&#160; Started at 22:30 on Saturday night and had delivered our new baby boy at 1pm on Sunday with just gas and air in the pool.&#160;&#160;</p> <p dir="ltr">I was able to use the techniques in particular the colour of calm and tension which helped me to stay at home so long and then in delivery the flexible thermometer to breathe our baby out.&#160; I only really had to actively push for the last 10 mins and as a result didn't have to have any stitches.</p> <p dir="ltr">Even with it being my first they let me go after only 6 hours as I had done so well.</p> <p dir="ltr">Thank you so much for your support and guidance it has helped me to have the birth I wanted from the very beginning and not waste any energy in being nervous or scared.</p> <p dir="ltr">Thanks</p> <p dir="ltr">Sophie</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Emma's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emmas-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emmas-birth-quote <p>Positive, rite of passage into womanhood, supported, calm, relaxed, deep into myself, aware and in touch with own body and used visualisations a lot.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Katja and Toby's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/katja-and-tobys-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/katja-and-tobys-hospital-birth-story <div>Hi Sharon,</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Following your course I continued listening to your tracks on a daily basis and found them extremely relaxing and they helped me to build up my confidence towards birth.&nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Here is our birth story</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>6 days after our due date the contractions started at 12&nbsp;am on a Monday night, they carried on an got stronger and to help I had a TENS machine.</div> <div>This was followed with a couple of visits to the labour ward to see how things were progressing - to our frustration progressing but very slowly.</div> <div>I was only 1 cm dilated after 12 hours of contractions so we went back home.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>After 48 hours of contractions and pretty much no sleep we went back to the labour ward at 12 am Wednesday night to get an injection of diamorphine to help me sleep since we knew that things would kick off in the next 24 hours.</div> <div>Ideally I didn't want any pain relief except gas and air but we were getting concerned how I would cope with the actual birth with no sleep and thought that it would wear off in time so that we could have a water birth as hoped for.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>When we arrived at the hospital I was only 4-5 cm dilated... We didn't bring any of our bags in since we only thought I'd get the injection, sleep and probably go back home again.&nbsp;</div> <div>The midwife went off to get the diamorhine, gave me some gas and air in the mean time. On the first puff it felt like a water balloon exploded and that was my waters breaking :)</div> <div>At this point I no longer wanted the injection since things were now going to speed along quicker.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Luckily we were in the last pool room , the labour ward was really busy that night , so the midwife started filling up the pool.</div> <div>With all of our bags being in the car luckily my husband brought my phone which had the hypnobirth tracks.</div> <div>I asked him to put on track 3 on repeat - I'd been listening to that one a lot the last few days leading up to labour and found that one extremely helpful.&nbsp;</div> <div>As soon as I was in the pool i felt like pushing and the midwife pretty much left me to it observing from the other side of the pool.</div> <div>I had my husband next to me holding the gas and air and he did say afterwards how fascinating it was to watch me just focusing on the hypnosis track, that i was properly in the zone.</div> <div>Less than 2 &nbsp;hours of pushing, at 2.43 am on the Thursday morning, our healthy baby boy Roscoe York was born :)</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Even though I had a long labour I was determined to have a water birth with the help of hypnosis and gas and air.</div> <div>I honestly believe that this probably wouldn't have been as easy if I had not done the course and continued the hypnosis afterwards.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>I have also completed the feedback below.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Many thanks Sharon :-)</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Kats &amp; Toby</div> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Katja and Toby's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/katja-and-tobys-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/katja-and-tobys-birth-quote <p><strong>Empowering, especially since we had the birth we wanted - waterbirth with hypnobirth</strong></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Louisa's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/louisas-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/louisas-birth-quote <p>A positive one, a water birth with battery operated candles, aromatherapy oils, both hypnobirthing tracks and a playist of inspirational upbeat tracks, calm and straightforward, hypnobirthing helped for the first stage of labour in particular, not quite so much for the latter part of the second stage but overall helped me to feel I was in control and empowered me to have faith in myself to give birth without needing any pain relief, knowing that my body could do it and that every contraction was getting me closer to meeting our baby.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Laura's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lauras-hospital-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/lauras-hospital-birth-quote <p>I listened to the mp3s in the days leading up to the birth and I believe mentally it helped me to go into labour calm and focused and not afraid as I had been previously in the earlier months. I just kept telling myself I could do this and that I had to do it and I did. I believe the course made me very determined.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Isabelle's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/isabelles-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/isabelles-hospital-birth-story <p>As this was our second I knew at least what to expect but all the whlie was much calmer and confident throughout which I do believe was due to the breathing techniques learned in the course and practice. My contractions started at 7pmish at home. I had my audio sessions on headphones and felt I could cope/breathe through the contractions easily. I then had a show about 9pm so thought it was time to go to Frome-a 20min drive from home. On examining me the midwife said I was already 8cm dilated on arrival! Things moved really quickly, with the 2nd stage lasting about 10mins and little Vivi arrived at 10.30pm. I had no drugs or even time to get in the birth pool which I had hoped for as she was born before they could fill it up!</p> <p>I didn't really use much of the visualisation techniques when it came to it as it all happened so fast, but I did have a better picture in my mind of how things were happening particularly when she was in the birth canal, crowning and head was emerging. It was at this point I managed to keep calm and relax and I'm pretty sure that's how I ended up with no stitches as I wasn't apphrehensive of the strethcing or tearing and I was consciuosly telling myself to 'trust my body' to get on with it and do the right thing. This was something I wasn't able to do with my first birth and probably contributed to having an assisted delivery with forceps.</p> <p>The whole experience was exhilarating and I was on a totally natural high when she was born. Although we had a really comfortable night stay with a double bed I could not sleep a wink as I was so wired and full of adrenalin, utterly chuffed that it had all gone as well as I could have hoped for and that she was here snuggled in my arms.</p> <p>I have already reccomended the course to a number of my expectant mum friends and definitely think it is a really essential part of preparing for the birth process. I think it is a case of not underestimating how much hard work you will need to do but to be fully preapred for it mentally, emotionally as well as physically and to give yourself the confidence to 'tune in' to your birth fully without listening to the external distractions. The indepth course for Easibirthing definitely contributed to this in a noticeable and positive way. It was also a really good way of helping the bond with my husband so that he could fully support me through the process and understand how I wanted to approach the birth. Although he did not do any practicing beforehand, the birth was real teamwork and he was rather impressed with how I handled it!&nbsp;</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Rachel's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/rachels-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/rachels-birth-quote <p>Fantastic &ndash; it was very intense but it was not at all scary. I could not have asked for a better birth.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Rachel and Mark's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/rachel-and-marks-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/rachel-and-marks-hospital-birth-story <p>My Birth Story:</p> <p>I did not enjoy my pregnancy at all. I did not have any complications but I felt very sick and had no energy. I was worried about birth because I felt I couldn&rsquo;t cope with the pregnancy and how on earth was I meant to survive 24 hours + in labour if I couldn&rsquo;t even walk up the stairs! I attended the hypnobirthing course at the suggestion of my midwife and on a recommendation from a friend. I was 34 weeks pregnant when I started the course, and I wish I had started it earlier.</p> <p>I felt my first contractions at 2pm on Wednesday, they felt like back ache, but they stuck around and by 8pm they were 5 mins apart, although not painful. I walked a lot and at midnight, the contractions were starting to be painful so I had a bath and listened to the hypnobirthing tracks, my husband sat beside me and coached me through the breathing.</p> <p>At 1am the contractions were 2 mins apart and we drove to hospital &ndash; the birthing tracks were on in the car. We were admitted straight to a delivery room and I was 4cm dilated. I used a birthing pool and listened to my birth playlist, my husband massaged my back and coached my breathing. Visualising the baby moving down and my uterus opening up really helped me to feel in control of what was happening, even though it got very painful very quickly. I used gas and air whilst in the pool, but did not continue to use it when I got out. My waters broke at 3.30am and I was at 7cm. I stayed sitting up, either on the toilet or on the couch.</p> <p>I started pushing at 4.07am and my daughter was born at 4.10am on her due date, weighing 7lb 3oz. Within two hours of birth I had had an hour of skin to skin, a first breastfeed and a shower &ndash; I felt incredible! &ndash; and I definitely put this down to having felt in control throughout, even when everything was progressing very fast! There were no complications with myself or my baby either during or after the birth. I was in hospital for 48 hours.</p> <p>I have used self-hypnosis in the early days of breastfeeding, and I also listen to the hypnosis music as it helps me to relax enough to go to sleep.</p> <p>I would definitely recommend this course. All my anxiety surrounding birth completely disappeared and I felt fully in control, working with my baby, so that ultimately meeting her was amazing.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Thank you for running such a fantastic course.</p> <p>Best Regards,</p> <p>Rachel</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Ellie and Nick's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/ellie-and-nicks-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/ellie-and-nicks-hospital-birth-story <p>We have some exciting news- baby India Beatrice Windell was born yesterday at 2pm weighing 6lbs14oz.&nbsp;</p> <p>My waters broke at 4am in the morning, I went in to hospital at 9am &amp; was already 5cm dilated with no pain relief, I then had the injection in my leg to help with pain as my contractions were very strong &amp; she arrived at 2pm.&nbsp;No stitches &amp; she's one healthy baby!!&nbsp;</p> <p>Thank you for all your help. It was the most relaxing calm experience ever!! Ellie X</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Marie and John's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/marie-and-johns-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/marie-and-johns-hospital-birth-story <div>Hi Sharon</div> <div id="AppleMailSignature">&nbsp;</div> <div id="AppleMailSignature">I just wanted to let you know that our baby boy Noah was born on 12 Aug, 3 days before due date (and actually the day that is said would be most convenient!). He was 7lb 8oz and is a very content and chilled out baby.&nbsp;</div> <div id="AppleMailSignature">The birth was quite quick, I had some cramping at 16:00, my waters broke at 17:00, felt like I needed to push at 19:00 and he was here at 22:15! I just made it to the hospital to start actively pushing but after 2.5 hours he just wouldn't come round the bend so I had a little help from the vontouse. I managed this and the episiotomy with only a little gas and air but unfortunately still ended up in theatre with an epidural as my contractions stopped as soon as he was born and the placenta wouldn't budge!&nbsp;</div> <div id="AppleMailSignature">Although this wasn't ideal, I was completely calm throughout the whole experience and my midwife gave a lot of praise to this effect. I swear this was down to the hypnobirthing putting me in such a good state of mind, ensuring I was confident and focused on my baby. I'm not a particularly chilled out person but I have been throughout this experience so far and this is probably helping Noah to be so content!</div> <div id="AppleMailSignature">Thank you so much for your help, I'll be in touch for a refresher for next time!</div> <div id="AppleMailSignature">&nbsp;</div> <div id="AppleMailSignature">Marie</div> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kat and Jon's hospital birth story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kat-and-jons-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kat-and-jons-hospital-birth-story <div>After our refresher session I managed to listen to your recordings quite a few times before the due date.&nbsp; On the due date I went for a check up with the midwives who said that I was measuring small (having previously been normal) and should go to the hospital to be checked and scanned to see what was happening.&nbsp; We found out that I had low amniotic fluid and so therefore they recommended I had an induction on the following Monday (it was a Friday). Over the weekend I listened to your recordings, ate lots of curry and did quite a bit of walking to try and get things moving naturally and did feel a few cramps during the nights but nothing major.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>On Monday evening at about 5pm we&nbsp;&nbsp;went to the (really busy) labour ward in Salisbury and waited quite a long time to be seen.&nbsp; Despite the noises around me (loud screams etc) I went into a very relaxed state and listened to some music that made me happy.&nbsp; When they examined me they found they were able to pop the waters at about 9 pm to see if they could get things going naturally.&nbsp; They did that and Jon and I went for lots of walks around the hospital but nothing happened so at about 11 pm they recommended putting me on the drip which we did and slowly the contractions started up and sped up pretty quickly!&nbsp; They were pretty powerful and although I wasn't able to be in water or move around very much due to being on the drip and categorised as high risk due to the low amniotic fluid I focused inwardly and on my gas and air.&nbsp; I used various visualisations although it was mostly a blur and concentrated on my outbreath - long and slow.&nbsp; It ramped up and up but I remained calm and felt like I trusted my midwife and thought about the outcome, and continued to focus on the gas and air and my breathing and any instructions I was given.&nbsp; When it came to the pushing bit it was over quite quickly, it was only a few concerted pushes and she was out and on my chest and near perfect.&nbsp; I was so relieved and delighted that she was a healthy baby girl and we decided that all of our previous names didn't suit her - that she should be a Rose.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Once again Sharon, thank you so much for all your help.&nbsp; I really feel like it gave me that extra bit of inner strength and belief I needed.&nbsp; Sorry it's taken this long to respond, today is the first day Rory has been at nursery and I've had a bit of time to myself!&nbsp; I hope all is well, we are thoroughly enjoying getting to know Rose, she is incredibly calm and came out that way and has been like that ever since, cuddly and calm and enjoys sleeping at night, breastfeeding and recovery post birth has all gone brilliantly too this time so we're very lucky!&nbsp; Rory is enjoying his new little sister too.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>All the best,</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Kat, Jon, Rory and Rose xxx</div> <p>&nbsp;</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kat's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kats-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kats-birth-quote <p>Thank you so much in helping us with another brilliant birth experience-it was really powerful. I really feel like it gave me that extra bit of inner strength and belief I needed.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Jenny's hospital birth story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jennys-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jennys-hospital-birth-story <p>Absolutely incredible, the most empowering feeling. I have a new found respect for my body and for female strength.<br />Childbirth is a miracle, I am proud of myself, my body and my baby, we all worked together in harmony and the result was an experience I can look back on and draw strength from.<br />I feel because I stayed so calm I was able to have a much more straight forward birthing, even when faced with being constantly monitored and sat upright, because of hypno birthing I accepted the situation and felt safe, calm and in control.<br />Following your experience, would you recommend this course to other mums-to-be? Would you be interested in sharing your experience in the form of a written description/birth story or to other expectant mums and dads-to-be?&nbsp;<br />Sharon your voice and my breath were my constant companion throughout my labour, my iPod was on constantly during initial stages and the hours melted away, I stayed cool, calm and in control, even when aspects of my birth plan did not go how I imagined I was able to calmly adapt. No screaming, swearing, crying or drama, just me, my husband, my midwife all quietly working together supporting my body. I have Sharon and hypno birthing to thank for building my mental strength throughout my pregnancy and giving me the power to ensure my body and baby had a positive experience.<br />I would be happy with your instruction to write my birth story and also note the help that hypno birthing gave me throughout my pregnancy as I practiced and went to "labour land" every day prior to being induced it supported me through all my additional scans, monitoring, negative consultant appointments and the endless "what if scenarios" constantly explained at every appointment, the tapes always allowed me to find a safe and calm place to escape to and block the negativity. I have no doubt in my mind that hypno birthing is the key to allowing woman to unlock the negative associations and uncertainties with labour and leaves space to enjoy the miracle that birth truly is.<br />Thank you so much Sharon, I honestly cannot recommend hypno birthing enough it transforms pregnancy and I would not want to imagine what my labour would of been like if I had not done the course. I attended the course initially to help with my phobia of hospitals, I could never of imagined just how instrumental the tapes would be on my journey to motherhood.<br />I also know that the course prepared James for childbirth and gave him strength to support me, he stayed so calm, supportive and repeated the word calm throughout contractions and fully added to my positive experience. He ensured my wishes were met and had confidence to ask questions and support me every step of the way.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Jenny's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jennys-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jennys-birth-quote <p>Absolutely incredible, the most empowering feeling. I have a new found respect for my body and for female strength.<br />Childbirth is a miracle, I am proud of myself, my body and my baby, we all worked together in harmony and the result was an experience I can look back on and draw strength from.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Anneliese's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/annelieses-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/annelieses-birth-quote <p>My hypnobirthing practice that I had been so passionate about during my pregnancy really paid off and I can honestly say I entered a state that was nothing like I have ever experienced before. It was everything both my husband and I wanted. It was intimate, special and more than anything so empowering.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Emily's Home Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emilys-home-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emilys-home-birth-story <div>Dear Sharon,</div> <div id="AppleMailSignature">&nbsp;</div> <div id="AppleMailSignature">Just to say I had a little boy on Saturday 5th November, well not so little as he was 9lbs 5.5oz born at home at 5.35am. Completely unplanned home birth as he came so quickly.</div> <div id="AppleMailSignature">&nbsp;</div> <div id="AppleMailSignature">My water broke at 2.30am and had my first strong contraction at 4.45am and he arrived at 5.35am with the paramedics turning up 10 minutes before he was born and only 10puffs of gas and air. I would have to say your class worked wonders on both George and I and being able to manage the pain and keeping relaxed throughout. It was nice that we got to stay at home and didn't have to go into hospital.</div> <div id="AppleMailSignature">&nbsp;</div> <div id="AppleMailSignature">Emily</div> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Rachael's Birth quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/rachaels-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/rachaels-birth-quote <p>Our daughter was 4 days late but I managed to avoid induction. I used all the techniques you taught me and managed to give birth to her without any intervention and with just the aid of some gas and air at the end. A completely different experience than last time so thank you for your help! It definitely made a huge difference to how I approached labour and kept me focused throughout.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Emma's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emmas-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emmas-hospital-birth-story <p dir="ltr">We had our son Rex on 19th December after a 10 hour labour.&nbsp; He was born in the birthing pool at home with no pain relief apart from a tens machine.&nbsp; He scored a 9 at 1 minute on the apgar test and then a 10.&nbsp; Monitoring of his heart rate throughout the birth showed him to be very calm the whole time.&nbsp; I would give a score of 9 for how in control I felt.</p> <p dir="ltr">&nbsp; I don't think I could have done it without the hypnobirthing - I played the tracks throughout and drew on different visualisations and breathing techniques at different points. The hypnobirthing gave us both confidence and calmness in the birthing process, as well as a better understanding in what was happening and why and how to create an environment to encourage calmness. The midwives were brilliant and just let us get on with it- I even pulled the baby out myself and no stitches required!</p> <p dir="ltr">I have been telling all my friends to try hypnobirthing as I really believe it changed my whole mindset towards birth and has made me a calmer person in general. Thank you very much for all your help with this!&nbsp; I have also used the hypnobirthing post-birth to help with breastfeeding.</p> <p dir="ltr">Thanks again Sharon.</p> <p dir="ltr">All the best,&nbsp;</p> <p dir="ltr">Emma</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Maria's birth quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/marias-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/marias-birth-quote <p>The best experience so far out of the 6. One of the best things you said was how women&nbsp;in a coma could give birth. That gave me the confidence that it didn't have to be this huge effort. I felt like an observer. And for the first time I paid attention to exactly what was happening in my body.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Sarah's birth quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarahs-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarahs-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p>Josh and I had a great experience and managed a rather quick labour and short stay in hospital, everything we wanted out of the experience. &#160;The baby was a bit shocked by the speed but was fine after a little help from the midwives. &#160;We are all home and settling into life as a little family. &#160;I wholly thank the hypnobirthing sessions that you delivered to get me into the right mindset to do it naturally and believe in myself. &#160;I managed to do it with 2 paracetamol!!&#160;</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Emma's birth quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emmas-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emmas-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p><span>We were really lucky and had a super quick and straight forward delivery and are now settled in at home. I just wanted to thank you as I found the classes really helpful. In particular the exercises on realigning my attitude towards childbirth. I genuinely found the experience of giving birth a joyous one and felt calm and in control throughout. The pain never felt unmanageable and delivered only using a TENS machine and some gas and air which I credit in part to listening to your calming voice every night in the two weeks leading up to the birth.</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Capri-Ann's Home Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/capri-anns-home-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/capri-anns-home-birth-story <div> <div> <div> <div> <p>I am positive that the information we learnt from the course has enabled us to have the home birth that we planned. Being our first child, everyone told us to expect to be transferred but luckily this didn't have to happen. With the hypnosis it taught me to be calm and to look forward to labour rather than to fear it. When my waters went at 37+5 weeks I was excited. My contractions didn't start for many hours but after listening to the hypnosis tracks, they started to become regular and very strong. From this point i got in the pool and with the support of Ben and all that he had learnt at your classes, he was able to keep me calm, to talk me through the contractions and keep me focused. We both&#160; stayed calm and the baby was born into such a calming environment that she didn't even cry. With all that you had taught us, i am able to say i enjoyed my birth experience and I am truly grateful that I was able to stay at home and be able to have such a relaxed, birth with little painrelief and no medical intervention.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Alice's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/alices-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/alices-hospital-birth-story <p><span>Although I was slightly panicked at times (mainly from the fact my partner took the dog for a walk made a cup of tea and was very calm even though my contractions were coming fast and we had a 45min drive to the hospital.) I have since spoken to my mum and said I think I would have been even calmer if I knew the pain I was having at home was as bad as it would get. Having said that I think I coped well and took things as they came, I'm one of worlds worriers and I managed to cope at home on my own for over an hour. I think the hypnobirthing really helped me to realise that my body knew what to do and all I needed to do was stay calm and let my body do what it needed. I was even calm enough to call the delivery suite from the car and arrange to be met from the car as contractions were every min.&#160;</span><br /><span>After arriving at the hospital it was only 15mins before my gorgeous little one arrived. It is a running joke in our family that my pain threshold is very low, probably why nobody believed I was actually in labour, unfortunately my mum who attended the classes with me didn't make it to the hospital in time to be my birth partner as planned (normally this would have sent me into a panic attack),&#160;therefore I think even though I wasn't conscious of using the techniques I had learned I must have done. I was terrified about labour and always said (prebirth) I would only do it once, looking back I can say I would do it again!</span></p> <p><span><span>Can I just also say you have helped me to conquer my extreme phobia of needles, I used my ancher at each blood test and was was even calm about the thought of having IV antibiotics in labour. so thank you so much you have no idea how much that alone means!</span></span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Charlotte's birth quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/charlottes-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/charlottes-birth-quote <p><span>Baby Arlo, born Tuesday 31st October @ 9:02am. Unfortunately I had to be induced but I couldn&#8217;t have asked for a more amazing experience &amp; I put this down to hypnobirthing!!!! I managed to have a water birth with just gas &amp; air &amp; a 4 hour labour. I used the techniques from start to finish &amp; when I wasn&#8217;t able to focus Luke was right on hand with the positive affirmations. I can&#8217;t thank you enough!!!!!</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Sarah's birth quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarahs-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarahs-birth-quote-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p><span>The hypnobirthing really worked for me - I managed to get to almost fully dilated at home and my labour was very rapid - under 5 hours from hospital admission to birth. I also had no pain relief other than paracetamol. I am convinced that hypnobirthing was the reason that my labour was so easy.</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Susie's birth quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/susies-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/susies-birth-quote <p><span>Hope all well! Just to let you know that we had a baby boy called Zephyr last thursday by an uncomplicated vaginal delivery that progressed really well. I was amazed when they passed him to me as he is a whopper and the hypnobirthing definitely helped me stay calm and in control of what was going on throughout.&#160;</span><br /><br /><span>All the best and thank you so much. I don&#8217;t think I would have delivered Zephyr so easily without having done all that prep, and I can honestly say that in spite of the various unavoidable complications, I think I might have actually enjoyed it a little bit!</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Verena and Callum's Hospital Birth story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/verena-and-callums-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/verena-and-callums-hospital-birth-story <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">6 am - started feeling contraction-like pains in my lower back/buttocks so went for a shower. Whilst in the shower I was able to wash myself as normal and washed my hair because I knew i'd be in the hospital and it needed doing! So semi-normal thoughts still happening. We later found out that during this period I was in the transition stage of labour, I had been dilating for the rest of the time during my sleep. I can only imagine I was so relaxed during this stage (early labour dilation)&#160;due to listening to the hypnobirthing tracks before I fell asleep.</div> <div dir="ltr"><br />Admittedly, I was in the shower for roughly 30 mins before my partner really realised that this might be the real thing because I was so calm. I got out of the shower and things really intensified but I was still relaxed, I wouldn't say I was in pain,just uncomfortable, I think my calmness was due to my preparations beforehand and knowing that my body knew exactly what to do.</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>When thinking back I remember picturing the flower opening and my birth canal being like a rose, i wasn't consciously thinking about this at the time, I just remembered when reflecting on my birth experience.</span></div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>6.30am - my partner called the hospital to ask for advice on what we should do next, they suggested I was in early stages of labour so to try to eat, sleep and take paracetamol. I took paracetamol but was not able to do the others.</span></div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>7am - Still in the bathroom on all fours, I was talking to Callum and suddenly felt the urge to push, I wasn't sure whether this was the urge to poo so asked him to leave the room. When he came back in he realised I was a little less 'with it' so called the hospital again, they thought i was still in early stages but asked Callum to bring me anyway.&#160;</span></div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>7.30am - Callum was helping get me ready whilst telling me to prepare to be sent home. I remember telling him very firmly that if I was sent home the baby would be born in the car park or down the loo! Callum has since said that he didn't think I was very far into the labour due to my behaviour and how I'd coped alone whilst unc</span><span>omforta</span><span>ble at home.</span></div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>On the way to the hospital I was convinced that I would give birth to my baby in the car, I had the strongest urge to push and it was uncontrollable, like my body had decided it was time for my baby to arrive so was going ahead with it's own plan! I remember feeling very impressed but a</span><span>&#160;little nervous about the speed of Callum's driving )not fast enough for my liking!!)</span></div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>8am - arrived at the labour ward and decided I needed the loo, went into the staff loo when a midwife came in to ask me to go with her to find a bed. I remember worrying about not being able to have a room with a pool.. I said as much to the midwife and she assured me that there was a room with a pool free for me but wanted to examine before we got to that point.&#160;</span></div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>The midwife examined me and was very shocked to find that I was fully dilated and my waters had gone, she asked when they went and I couldn't tell her!I must have been so 'in the zone' that I didn't notice.</span></div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>I then got onto all fours over the back of the bed to begin pushing. The midwife stayed at the back of the room to read my birth plan and trusted that I was able to continue with little interference from her. Callum had parked in the ambulance bay and was concerned about moving it, after I had pushed for about 20 minutes the midwife said it was probably safe for Callum to go and move the car. It wasn't!</span></div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>During the pushing stage I felt so in control, I remember imagining my calm colour (yellow) and focused on my breathing. I was so happy that my body knew what to do, I just went with the contractions when they came.&#160;</span></div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>The minute Callum left the room to move the car I had another contraction, at this point I knew instinctively that my baby would arrive within the next few pushes, I said as much to the midwife who sent for someone to get him quickly, he hadn't gotten far, only as far as the loo!&#160;</span></div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>When Callum came back into the room I had another contraction and he asked if he could watch. I was very comfortable and felt like I could have birthed on my own so was very happy for him to watch.</span></div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>Two more pushes and our daughter arrived!!!</span></div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>Her name is Avaia Elisabeth and weighed a healthy 8lb6! I was 11 days overdue and she arrived the day before I was due to be induced. Even though i was overdue I was happy to wait and even now I am so happy she was late, she's so strong and healthy so those extra days did the world of good (in my opinion)</span></div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>I had a natural third stage and we had 15 mins delayed cord clamping. My birth went exactly as we&#160;</span><span>wanted (other than the birthing pool - they wouldn't have had the time to fill it!!).</span></div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>Callum said to me that he had a little chuckle to himself when I was at home in the shower because he thought I was very early stages of labour and didn't feel the hypnobirthing had worked. Little did he know!&#160;</span></div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr">&#160;</div> <div id="divtagdefaultwrapper" dir="ltr"><span>We both feel that the techniques learned attributed to a calm and easy birth. Avaia is an incredibly content, well behaved baby. I am still breastfeeding and that journey has been simple and positive since the beginning. We feel so thankful that this has been our experience and feel that without hypnobirthing our experience may not have been this way. Thank you so much!</span></div> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Anna's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/annas-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/annas-hospital-birth-story <p>Hi Sharon,&#160;</p> <p>Just to let you know that Arthur Michael arrived on 15th March weighing 7lbs 6ozs. He was exactly 2 weeks late (!) and I was booked for induction at SDH on the 15th. I went into labour naturally at midnight on the 14th (I think he knew what was going to happen!!) but due to being booked in already I had to go to the hospital for checks. While Arthur was perfectly happy and things were progressing slowly there was a bit of a cloud around when my waters had broken as I hadn't had anything noticeable and the midwife could feel no waters round his head, only his hair. And then&#160;I said it could have been weeks ago as I did wonder if I had been losing some fluid. So while I had ideas about what I would like to happen it was taken out of my hands and I had to have the Syntocin drip to speed him along.&#160;</p> <p>Despite this I felt perfectly well informed, I used my Cartesian questions while discussing the plan with the Consultant and then with the midwives but also understood the urgency of the situation. The labour time in total was 18 hours as he started at midnight Weds 14th and he&#160;arrived at 18.31 on the 15th. This is the good bit though, despite contractions being the most painful thing I have ever felt, I had a few hours of no pain relief, then a few hours of Entonox. What was really interesting though is that on the heart monitors Arthur was very happy and relaxed&#160;all the way through and my blood pressure was as low as it has been all through my pregnancy. At about 5pm I said I had the urge to push into the contractions instead of breathe through them and the midwives I had said if that was the case then I could begin the delivery process. My body completely took over. So I had some morphine to take the edge off as my cervix wasn't quite dilated fully but I wanted to go with how I felt. I then took the advice from the midwives and what my body wanted to do. I had natural pauses and worked with it and he was delivered perfectly healthy and I had no tears or stitches. Not even a graze! So I was up and out of bed in an hour and spent the night on Post Natal for obs. Arthur was the quietest and most content baby (I thought it was due to the small amount of morphine) but he has continued to be a very happy and content baby. The midwives are astounded by him!&#160;He settles perfectly and also soothes himself, most of the time I don't even know he's there. He's just so relaxed.</p> <p>His APGAR score at birth was 9 and rose to 10 after 5 minutes.&#160;</p> <p>While I didn't use the hypnosis to its full effect&#160;I feel that what I learned on the course and keeping calm and informed really helped and I trusted my midwives. I've felt really good since and have recovered well, so coping fine with the interrupted sleep. He only wakes twice a night to feed and change so I really do have an angel baby. Simon was also present the whole time and when I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere he used my anchor and it got me back and focused. I honestly feel it couldn't have gone better, despite the induction.&#160;</p> <p>My anchor was Mile 18 of the London Marathon. All the time I was running my aim was just to finish. When I got to Mile 18 it was the point I knew that I would finish (as people say if you can run 18 miles you can run 26!)&#160;and achieve a lifelong dream, so when Simon said Mile 18 I was right back at that feeling of euphoria knowing I could do it. And then&#160;I knew that I would be able to deliver&#160;Arthur safely.</p> <p>So thank you very much for your course and your knowledge and insight. I fully believe it works and it has contributed to my very happy, robustly healthy and beautiful baby.</p> <p>With love and best wishes,&#160;</p> <p>Anna xxxx</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Jess's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jesss-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jesss-hospital-birth-story <p><span>Just to let you know that baby J was born 7 May at 0823hrs at Salisbury Hospital at 39.5wks and weighed 9lbs. I was in early labour with a back to back baby for 5 days before and I swear giving birth was easier than putting up with the back pain contractions beforehand! The hypnobirthing definitely helped my breathing on the day and baby naturally turned when I got into positions. I was lucky enough to get a pool and just needed a bit of gas and air on the day. My baby&#8217;s heart rate was throughout the birth and remains so calm and I think it&#8217;s because I had no fear about giving birth, I knew anatomically what was happening and I knew I needed to stay focused and calm. It paid off as I only needed a few superficial stitches and I&#8217;ve been out and about with the pram already so healing well.&#160;</span><br /><br /><span>Just wanted to thank you again for the course - I tell everyone I meet about you and the benefits of hypnobirthing.</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Anna's birth quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/annas-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/annas-birth-quote <p><strong><em>Overall it was very positive and a happy experience. I've not suffered any of the 'baby blues' whatsoever. Contractions were hard going but they were the worst bit and at the peak of the induction that was the only time I had a brief moment where I felt I couldn't continue.&#160; My birth partner stepped in at this point and reminded me of my anchor and helped me get past it as deep down he and I&#160; knew I had the strength of mind. My midwives were also fantastic and knew I was capable even though at times I didn't feel it. The induction was not what I wanted but I was still able to feel in control.&#160;</em></strong></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Jaime's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jaimes-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jaimes-hospital-birth-story <div><span>Everyone told me that second babies come quicker, so advised me to have a plan and get moving at the first twinge of labour! During the classes, Sharon frequently mentioned that hypnobirthing tends to speed up labour. This scared me.&#160;My first labour felt quite long (actually 10 hours) but&#160;was relatively&#160;straightforward and non-traumatic. I didn't want to be the mum giving birth in the car park!</span></div> <div><span>&#160;</span></div> <div><span>Sharon stressed during classes that practice would be key, and listening to the audio&#160;tracks would help to embed the relaxation and control techniques that we were learning. I tackled this by going to bed slightly earlier as often as possible, and putting the tracks on beside my bed. I found that I went to sleep during the tracks, but Sharon had said that was OK as my brain would still be absorbing everything. However, I didn't feel like I was giving them my full attention so therefore probably wasn't giving myself the best chance of the calm and confident labour I was hoping for.</span></div> <div><span>&#160;</span></div> <div><span>On the day, contractions began at 4pm. I called the hospital at about 5pm to tell them things had started but contractions were irregular and manageable. By 6pm I asked my husband to call them as the TENS machine was doing a great job but I felt in need of greater pain relief - I wanted the gas and air and was hoping for a water birth. We left almost immediately and arrived at the hospital at 18:29. I had a contraction as we parked, so remember noticing the time. We were shown to a room with a pool and left for a while. A midwife arrived about 10 minutes later and started doing our&#160;paperwork. at 18:45, still fully dressed, I felt the need to push. The midwife left the paperwork to examine me and was a little shocked that she could see the baby's&#160;head! Our beautiful baby girl was born just 14 minutes later!</span></div> <div><span>&#160;</span></div> <div><span>In hindsight, I think I went through transition on the ring road! The contractions were very intense in the car but I don't remember being aware of the journey. I&#160;also can't say I was aware of actively deploying&#160;any breathing techniques or visualisation techniques. However, I must have been calm because the midwife wasn't worried enough to examine me. I must have been confident&#160;because I got to fully dilated with only a TENS machine for pain relief. And I must have been in control because I birthed my baby within minutes of arriving at the hospital.&#160;</span></div> <div><span>&#160;</span></div> <div><span>So in summary, hypnobirthing worked brilliantly&#160;for me even though I was unaware of embedding the techniques through practice or deploying them during labour. They just worked!</span></div> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Jo's Birth Quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jos-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/jos-birth-quote <p><span>Absolutely amazing.</span></p> <p><span>Baby was born at home, on the sofa.</span></p> <p><span>I LOVED the whole experience!</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Pip's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/pips-hospital-birth-story-2021-08-26-14-43-29 https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/pips-hospital-birth-story-2021-08-26-14-43-29 <p>Positive Induction</p> <p>Second Time Mum.</p> <p>9lb 11oz (Petite mother!!)</p> <p>41+4</p> <p>No stiches or intervention&#160;J.&#160;</p> <p>My first experience of childbirth involved induction and intervention. An experience I was keen to avoid the 2<sup>nd</sup>time round.&#160;</p> <p>I chose to do the hypnobirthing course to adjust my mindset and have a more positive experience. I hoped this time round I would have the natural labour and water birth that I dreamed of last time.&#160;</p> <p>My estimated due date came and went, so I was glad that I was aware that the due date myth is estimated and not totally accurate. The midwife offered me an induction appointment at 40 + 3 and I confidently turned it down. During the walk home I wondered if I had done the right thing. As the next week passed, I did my research, asked questions and came to the decision that I wanted to be induced again, even though I was worried that history would repeat itself. &#160;</p> <p>At 41+4 we started our journey to the hospital to find that the main road was shut. The detour round country lanes took us an hour. Thank goodness I was not in labour then as I was in charge of map reading and was uncomfortable enough without being in labour.&#160;</p> <p>I started with the prostaglandin gel and 6 hours later an &#8216;old school midwife&#8217; broke my waters. She said that they would check on me at 10pm and then start the drip. I told her that I wouldn&#8217;t need the drip as I had done a hypnobirthing course and was going to quietly sneak off and have baby in the toilet. She dismissed my remark with a look that said &#8220;I&#8217;ve done this a million times it doesn&#8217;t work like that&#8221;.&#160;</p> <p>After half an hour of monitoring and not much action I took a walk to the car and back with my partner. By the time we got back to the room 15 mins later the contractions were coming every two minutes and lasting a minute. My body cleared itself out (careful what you eat before labour!!) I started breathing and put on the tens machine (which quickly got forgotten about). A new midwife and student came in and I could barely say hello for concentration on breathing through contractions. They were great and had read the birth plan. The lights were dimmed, hypnosis track was playing in background and gas and air were placed at hand. I was left to it. They offered the birth pool at this point, but I didn&#8217;t want to change rooms or disrupt the flow.&#160;</p> <p>After a couple of hours, I needed a rest so lay down. I felt that labour was well on the way and in the up stage, lying down would not matter (I don&#8217;t know if this is correct) for ten minutes rest. I say ten minutes I had no idea of time. I then felt my body start to push. The midwife said something about &#8216;Upright, forward and open, if you kneel on the bed&#8217; which prompted me to get into that position. I heard in the background the midwife telling the student &#8220;no need for examination as I think she is close&#8221;. This was reassuring and motivating for me. The only words I spoke through the whole event were &#8216;water and jelly baby&#8217; plus the thumbs up sign when hubby asked if I was ok. I don&#8217;t know how to describe this but the next thing I knew I was visualising the head appearing, followed by the midwife saying, &#8216;it&#8217;s a boy!&#8217;. It&#8217;s the weirdest feeling having a baby slip out from between your legs.&#160;</p> <p>This birth was one hundred percent a positive experience. I had no pain at all during the supposed ring of fire. Did I mention his hand was by his face and his head circumference was off the scale big? I did have to concentrate on the breathing the whole way through as if I got distracted discomfort ramped up. The gas and air did take the edge of. I just needed a few breaths as I felt the contractions approaching.&#160;</p> <p>I had the option to go home that night but couldn&#8217;t face putting my new baby in the car seat at 1am in the morning. I also knew that there was only one other lady on the postnatal ward. I was up and about and feeling ready to take care of a new born the next day. He is a calm, relaxed and delightful baby.&#160;</p> <p>Thanks to Hypno-birthing I felt far more in control this time.</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Steph and David's 2nd baby born with hypnobirthing at Salisbury District Hospital https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/steph-and-davids-2nd-baby-born-with-hypnobirthing-at-salisbury-district-hospital https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/steph-and-davids-2nd-baby-born-with-hypnobirthing-at-salisbury-district-hospital <p>Wonderful. It was everything I'd hoped for. It was so quick, I didn't get chance to listen to all of my MP3s or have a water birth (I did have a bath at home though!). I really only just made it to hospital in time for the birth, so there was no chance of them filling up a pool! But I was able to stay at home right up until the last minu<span class="text_exposed_show">te and, thanks to Sharon, all of my contractions were totally manageable and the breathing techniques were an absolute godsend. A testament to that, is that I didn't realise quite how far my labour had progressed. If I had, I'd probably have got to the hospital a bit sooner!!&#160;</span></p> <div class="text_exposed_show"> <p>I felt confident and empowered, which was an incredible feeling, and I stuck with my wish of having no physical examinations. I stayed upright the whole time, which really helped move things along, and I just went into 'the zone'. I didn't even have to push! I just worked with my breath and let my body push my daughter out naturally. Until the last minute when her shoulder got a little stuck, so I had to hop up on the bed and push, which is when the tear happened.&#160;</p> <p>After giving birth the first time and having a rather horrendous experience, I was terrified of doing it again. But Sharon gave me all the tools I needed to relax, breathe and take control of what happened to me. I actually enjoyed my second labour! Can you believe it!?</p> </div> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kat and Chris Hospital birth https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kat-and-chris-hospital-birth https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/kat-and-chris-hospital-birth <div dir="auto">Hi Sharon,&#160;</div> <div dir="auto">&#160;</div> <div dir="auto">We just wanted to let you know that baby Alfred arrived safely on Tuesday 17th weighing 8lbs.&#160;<br /><br /></div> <div dir="auto">The whole process didn't go exactly as we would have liked but I'm pretty confident that we couldn't have done anything differently!&#160;</div> <div dir="auto">Things started early on Saturday morning and we ended up going in and out of hospital that weekend. My waters broke on Monday morning and I got to use the pool which was nice and listen to your MP3s!&#160;</div> <div dir="auto">Sadly I got stuck at 4cm for hours and the gas and air had kind of lost it's effectiveness and I was absolutely exhausted by this point having not slept for a long time.&#160;</div> <div dir="auto">I then had the hormone drip and an epidural, baby was getting a bit distressed so the whole process was slowed down as his heart rate kept dropping (possibly because he was holding the cord during contractions).&#160;</div> <div dir="auto">I then finally got to full dilation and tried to push him out....he wasn't having any of it so ended up being taken to theatre and they tried ventouse and forceps. Neither of which worked due to his position.&#160;</div> <div dir="auto">So I ended up having a c section!&#160;<br /><br /></div> <div dir="auto">I can honestly say (and Chris agrees) that we wouldn't have managed as well through the hours and hours of contractions, uncertainty and what could have been extremely stressful without the skills you gave us in the sessions.&#160;<br /><br /></div> <div dir="auto">Although it wasn't what we had hoped for originally (wasn't exactly the calm water birth with low intervention I had hoped for!) I feel really pleased with how we both managed and persevered without giving up! And I really think this was down to the hypnobirthing sessions! The breathing techniques and the sound of your voice was very helpful!</div> <div dir="auto">Some of the midwives also commented on my good breathing techniques!!! (Which is totally thanks to you!)&#160;<br /><br /></div> <div dir="auto">We just wanted to say a massive thank you for all your help and support.</div> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Emma and Simon's hospital birth story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emma-and-simons-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emma-and-simons-hospital-birth-story <p>Hello Sharon,&#160;</p> <div>Thank you, our daughter was born almost 2 weeks late on the 21st September with the help of an induction, she was a healthy 8lb 10oz.</div> <div>The midwives at Salisbury were absolutely fantastic, with the help of Hypnobirthing and a pool birth I had the best birthing experience I could have asked for.&#160;</div> <div>I didn&#8217;t use the hypnobirthing tracks during labour but I definitely used the techniques I had been practicing during the lead up to birth day. At times I&#8217;m sure they were being used without even thinking about it, at no point was I fearful and managed the whole labour on 6 paracetamol and 20 minutes of gas and air.&#160;</div> <p>Induced, so fairly controlled and quick. I had been told that induced births were more painful, not that I previous experience to compare it to but I found that the pain of contractions were bearable and I felt extremely calm. The midwives did everything they could to support the birth, the birthing pool was wonderful, with the assistance of calming music and low lighting in the room I felt very relaxed! The midwives allowed me to trust my own instincts and were not intrusive at all, my husband and I were very much in our own little bubble going through the process of birthing our daughter.&#160;</p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Emma and Simon's birth quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emma-and-simons-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/emma-and-simons-birth-quote <p><span>The midwives at Salisbury were absolutely fantastic, with the help of&#160;</span><span>Hypnobirthing</span><span>and a pool birth I had the best birthing experience I could have asked for.&#160;</span></p> <p><span>At</span><span>no point was I fearful and managed the whole&#160;</span><span>labour&#160;</span><span>on 6&#160;</span><span>paracetamol&#160;</span><span>and 20 minutes of gas and air.</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Saskia's birth quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/saskias-birth-quote https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/saskias-birth-quote <p><span>I gave birth to a healthy baby girl on 3rd October in Salisbury District. I did stage one of labour at home and then arrived at my routine midwife&#8217;s appointment at 41 weeks 7cm dilated! Needless to say I headed off to hospital (my plan) and I was in stage two labour for 2 hours and then gave birth under gas and air. Thank you for giving me the presence of mind to breathe through the pain!</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Vicky's Hospital Birth Story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/vickys-hospital-birth-story https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/vickys-hospital-birth-story <p><span>So after a few pains and some bleeding (2 days after a UTI diagnosis) I came back into hospital last night at 10pm and was asked to stay in for 24 hours to monitor heart beat and blood loss... a few hours later at 3.59am today we welcome a little cutie into the world at 33weeks and 2 days weighing 4lb and 2oz</span><br /><span>He&#8217;s doing so well, in incubator but currently breathing unaided, bloods etc all spot on!!!!!</span><br /><span>AND NO DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!</span><br /><span>You are a miracle worker.... I have no idea how you did it as I&#8217;ll admit I hadn&#8217;t done much homework yet as I thought I&#8217;d have quite a bit more time but you did it and I will recommend you and hypnobirthing to everyone I ever talk to &#128525;&#128525;&#128525;&#128525;&#128525;</span><br /><span>Thank you so so much for all your help x x</span></p> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Sarah and Simon's hospital birth at Salisbury District Hospital https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarah-and-simons-hospital-birth-at-salisbury-district-hospital https://www.easibirthing.com/blog/sarah-and-simons-hospital-birth-at-salisbury-district-hospital <div class="gmail_default"><em>We would wholeheartedly recommend hypnobirthing with Sharon to anyone preparing for birth.</em></div> <div class="gmail_default">&#160;</div> <div class="gmail_default"><em>My husband and I attended a course on Hypnobirthing with&#160;Sharon&#160;Mustard&#160;prior to the birth of our son Reuben in early 2020 and it was one of the best things we did in preparing for his birth. Each informative session with&#160;Sharon&#160;left us feeling empowered, calm and in control - giving us the skills to stay positive and make informed decisions when the time came for labour. This course gave us a greater understanding and positivity about how birthing a baby is of course the most natural thing a woman's body can do and how it isn't a thing to fear. On the contrary I excitedly and confidently looked forward to the birth!&#160;<br /></em></div> <div class="gmail_default"><em>&#160;</em></div> <div class="gmail_default"><em>In the sessions we also did hypnosis, which we kept as recordings to listen to each evening if we wanted to in the run up to welcoming our baby. These recordings also saw me through the labour and immediately kept me focused on my breathing and in a calm frame of mind.&#160;Sharon's beautiful and calming voice stayed with me all throughout the birth and it was like having another birthing partner there by my side, along with my husband. This was especially valuable considering we welcomed our baby during the first COVID19 pandemic lockdown of 2020!&#160;<br /></em></div> <div class="gmail_default"><em>&#160;</em></div> <div class="gmail_default"><em>Sharon&#160;was also a great sounding board for our many questions and concerns and she never made us feel like we were asking a silly question.&#160;<br /></em></div> <div class="gmail_default"><em>&#160;</em></div> <div class="gmail_default"><em>Thank you so much&#160;Sharon&#160;for all that you did for us, we will be forever grateful.</em></div> Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0000